Sane or Insane?

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I don't know how long I have been here. I never got a chance to talk to father or dad. They always have this fucking dog collar on me so I never get a chance to update father. They don't know that that's what I want to do they just don't want me to use my Quirks against them. 

I'm ripped out of my thoughts by Hisashi coming in. "Your little Heroes aren't even looking for you. There hasn't been anything on the news or in the paper about you. It's like you were never saved in the first place." I let out a breath of relief, that can be easily mistaken as a shaky breath of fear and disappointment with how much my breathed wavered. Good, the school won't be dragged through the dirt. They took my advice and kept my disappearance under the radar. It also gives me leverage over these idiots.

I haven't spoken in a while, so I just choose to glare at him instead. He smirks and walks away. A few minutes later and he has returned with a cart. This cart has needles with blood in them, surgical knives, and tweezers. They have been pumping up with who knows who's blood and I can't check. 

I don't even try to resist. I have a few bites of bread in me and a few sips of water, only enough to keep me alive. I have no energy from lack of proteins and vitamins. 

He starts with my arm as usual. The blood gets injected in me, with my quirk being blocked instantly as it is injected it caused a stinging and burning sensation throughout my body. This causes me to lock my jaw to keep and sounds from coming out. Next, it's the cutting.

My arms are cut open from my elbow to my shoulder. For a minute I wonder if I'm going to bleed to death. I make no move to even save myself. I don't feel the pain from the cut because of how much it happens. Though the next part, I can never get over. He gets out the tweezers and starts digging in my arm. Like it was a sandbox and he lost his favorite toy. I bite my tongue until I taste blood, holding back a scream.

This makes Hisashi angry. He moves on to my ribs. Blood was running everywhere. The room started to smell metallic from all the blood that was coming out of me. I refused to scream. No matter how much I want to expresse the pain, but I won't give him the pleasure. So instead I look him dead in the eyes. I stare at him untill my vision starts to fade to black. I guess its finally over. I'm bleeding to death right here, right now. I hope my dads will be okay. They have each other and Class 1-A. Nezu will need to find a new prodigy. Sorry for the kid that has to go through that hell. I never got a break, which I was happy for. It kept me distracted. 

As my vision gives out I feel a release on my neck but I can't process it as I give into the internal void or darkness. As I float there, a memory pops up. It was from when father was training me. I watch it with a fond smile. 

He left me, on a 200 story building, with the door locked. At first, I tried to break the door down but it seemed that it is resistant to all of my quirks. After a few tries, I dropped to my knees and started to process my surroundings. 

I was so scared at first. I thought that I was taken again and left to starve. But then I remembered my wings, so I started to fly down, but I never made it. About halfway down I was blown into a building threw a window. I hurt like a bitch. Surrounding me were robots. Huge robots. That's when it clicked. This was training. So I got into a defensive stance and worked my way down the building. It took me all day but I made it.

At the bottom floor were father holding a stopwatch and a cup of coffee. "Does dad know you did this?" I looked him in the eyes already knowing full well that dad did not know for he would have never let this happen. That was the roles we played. Dad was the doting father to coddle me when I was stressing or panicking. Father would train me and push my limits. Making sure I will forever be able to protect myself from whoever I would need to. 

All I got in response was a grunt. I shake my head with a chuckle. I walk over to him and take the coffee. "How did I do?" I take a drink of the coffee and wait for his score.

"Shaky start but overall impressive.Though you were a little slow. We need to work on your speed some more." We head out together ready for the long day to be over. 

I smile at the memory as it finishes playing. More show up and after a while, I'm starting to want to live again. I want it so bad. I want to see father and dad. I want to be in class 1-A even if I already passed all the courses. I want to see Nezu and learn more 'important' information. I want to take over the school, become a pro. I want to live. I will take the pain and torture. I will find a way to get home. 

I become enveloped into blinding light and all the pain comes flooding in. I ignore the pain focus more on waking up. I grab ahold of my want to see my family and I tug. I pull myself to the land of the living and open my eyes.

I can automatically tell that I was supposed to be dead. I was in a morgue looking room, and my collar was gone. I immediately dived into my head and reached for father.

'FATHER! Can you hear me?' I yelled through the telepathy hoping that I could hear his voice to keep me grounded.

'Izuku? Is that you? Thank God. Do you have any clue as to where you are? We've been breaking into bases all over but they all seem deserted.' My father replied. I let out a breath of relief to the sound of his voice. 

'Hold on. I'll see what I can find out.' I dived into my 'library' and headed into my quirk section. I found them and realized what they were doing. They were making me into a weapon. So many chests lied there. All in different sizes, and colors. I headed to the ones under the track section and found a few locating ones. Not know what is what, I opened them all and started to search.

'Okay. I can't find me but I can find you and tell you how far you are from me.' I go back to father. I can practically feel the relief and joy coming from him, or maybe it's my own. 'You are exactly 200 miles southwest of me. We are on the same level. Follow these directions and you will find where I am. Please hurry. I don't know how much more I can take. They think I'm dead after some events so when they come back I will have no choice but to fight. If something goes wrong...' I couldn't finish for the door clicks. Signaling someone is coming. 

'Izuku? What's going on?' I can hear the panic in fathers voice and I know this is tearing him apart.

'I love you all. I have to go. They're coming. Please just come to where I told you.' I cut the telepathy and pretend to be dead. I hear some voices and then the door closes again. I can't make out what is being said. Once they are right by me they are quiet.

Next thing I know. Cold metal is making contact with my stomach. On instinct, I set myself on fire. Melting the object and causing everyone to back off. I hear some intake of breath. "Her quirks still protect her in death?" I hear a voice ask. 

I instantly knew it was Hisashi. I teleported to the door and kicked it open. "I'm not dead, you fucking idiots."

I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Using all of my quirks, even the deadly ones that I never wanted to use. I use them to ensure my escape. I didn't know where I was but I knew that I needed to keep running. Father and dad and everyone are coming. I just have to buy them some time to get here.

So I keep running. Turn after turn. Door after door. Person after person. I run.

1493 Words

Finally a new Chapter... YAY.

I've taken a long break due to my mental and physical health... but I say fuck it. With the way my life is going... I may die young with all the problems I have. So, I will write until I drop.

I hope you enjoy and I will be uploading a chapter of this story every single Thursday. No matter my health... because this helps me escape.

Until next time

See ya.

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