Training Exercise and Phone Call.

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I was already finished changing when all the other girls got to the locker room. I was wearing a dark forest green crop top, dark green shorts with a utility belt, and my capture gear. I hade on black boots. All the girls stared at me as I put on my mask which gave me more of a cat look. I had my wings out as I turned around and teleported away.

I appeared in front of the training grounds where we were supposed to meet up. Not long after All Might showed up, and soon so did the other students. They all had really good outfits, but I think if they put a little more thought into it they could have found suits to utilize their quirks a little more.

Before All Might could start Nezu jumped out of who knows where with a case. I knew what it was because it was mine. "Sorry to interrupt but, here Izuku." He handed me the case which I opened and immediately. "New and Improved. Just how you wanted them!" Then like magic, the principal disappeared. Leaving me with questioning stares from everyone including All Might.

He was new to UA so he didn't know my talents as the other teachers did. I took out six black, Titanium daggers, and situated them on me. Two each on my thighs, and one in each boot. I then took out some 2 sheaths and strapped them onto my back before taking out the actual swords. They had a red Hilt along with a black blade that had dark green highlights. I slipped them into their holsters before teleporting my case to my desk in the classroom.

Everyone stared at me for a minute except Kacchan who used to me having sharp weapons on me. The Todoroki kid was once again glaring at me. It was starting to piss me off so I glared right back. He looked away as did all the other students and All Might cleared his throat.

"Okay, let's begin, shall we?"

(Time skips because nothing changes from the original timeline and I see no point in repeating something we have heard or read a million time.)

In the first round, it was me and Uraraka against Kacchan and Iida. As Kacchan and Iida went inside the building me and Uraraka stayed outside memorizing blueprints and coming up with a plan.

"Okay, I can use my telepathy to find where the bomb is and teleport you there. Kacchan will not work with his teammate and come straight for me. So I will distract him for you to secure the bomb. Knowing Iida he probably has a plan to match your quirk since he has already seen it so you will need to stay cold and lose your emotions to remove your presence from the air. If he can't detect you then you can win this easily."

Uraraka stared at me for a good minute before smiling wildly at me. "I won't let you down," She said

I gave her one of my rare smiles before turning towards the building just as All Might announced the start of the exercise. I close my eyes and search for the minds of our opponents. I locate Iida and automatically teleported Uraraka into his blind spot. Then I teleported to behind Kacchan taking out one of the blades in my shoe before wrapping my arm around him before he could understand what was going on. I pressed the knife against his throat.

"Hiya, Kacchan~" I coo as he stiffens up before smirking.

He knocks my hand away with a blast causing me to use the balance. I recovered by flipping and landing in a low defensive stance. He charged at me and I powered up his quirk to use against him. It might not be as strong but that didn't mean It wouldn't hurt. We started throwing blast after blast at each other. My suit was heat resistance considering that I can use fire so The only scratches on me were of my actual skin.

Kacchan came in for his classic right hook as I went in for an uppercut. Right when we were about to collide a voice rang out.


I smirk but knew it was too late to stop our fist as we both tried to slow down. It only lessened the damage we did on each other, but it wasn't as bad as it would have been if we used a quirk for the final hit. A fist collided with my face as my fist sunk into Kacchan's gut. He flew up and I flew back. As we landed, I automatically enveloped us in my Aura to healed us. We got up after resting for a minute then walked out to the observation room together.

~ (Time skip to end of the day)

I finally finished my paperwork for the week and sat in on Nezus desk before putting away my gear. I took off my swords and knives, replacing them into there case. I already changed out of my suit so I just had the weapons on me. I glanced over the room one more time before teleporting to my father's classroom.  He was also finishing his paperwork. I sat on one of the desks and just entered my mind.

My mind was like a library. I organized my memories and stuff I knew into books on bookshelves. The memories were in the order of when they happened. The information was in the order of how important it was. Then I had one more about how to use my quirks. In the back were tables with chests on them. Somewhere opened and others were closed.  The bigger the chest the stronger the object inside. 

This where I kept my quirks. I looked over and saw the despite extra blood I took from father his chest was the same size. I frowned knowing that my experiment failed. If that was so how come some are stronger then others. While staring at my chest I heard a slight ringing and opened my eyes to be met with fathers. 

"Find anything interesting?" He asked looking slightly amused while he grabbed his stuff to leave.

I hope off the desk and walk after him. "My experiment failed. So now I still don't know how to strengthen some of my quirks, I have them maxed out for how much of them I can use but some are still nothing compared to the owner. Unless I take it straight from them of course." I whisper the last part more to myself then to father. 

"How many d-" Saved by the ring. Father was interrupted by his phone suddenly ringing. "Hold on." He took it out of his pocket before scowling at the screen. He hits answer and lifts it to his ear. "Hello, detective." 

Ahh. That's why he didn't look too happy.

 The voice sounds panicked but I can't understand too much. After a few seconds, my father looks at me with a worried glance causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "I understand, we will teleport there now." He hands up his phone and holds out his arm. "To the police station."

I grab his arm and do as instructed. When we arrive there is a panicked detective waiting there tapping his foot. I immediately know that this can't bee very good.

1237 words

OKAY. My first chapter back might be a little bumpy but it is here. Anyways, I will get the next one out as soon as possible.

See Ya!

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