Let's Not Do That Again

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Everything was dark. She was alone. The kids all started murmuring as they got settled to watch the screen. When they finally got quiet they could hear footsteps coming off the screen. "Hello~ Granddaughter." A voice ringed out. 

Gasps were let out around the whole gym as the face that was seen, couldn't truly be called a face. It was deformed. The tall man had a respirator on him, behind him wires followed, going on for an endless time. "It's about time you come and see me. It seems you forgot the rules. So you need to be punished again. Hisashi, if you would. "Another man appeared, he had black curly hair with freckles on his face."

The screen shifter to Third-Person Point of View. You could see Izuku hanging from an unknown ceiling. Feet not quite long enough to touch the ground. Her expression of fear, anger, and hate. Something so abnormal for the students who have seen her today. "Father." Izuku spat the name like it was poison. More gasp was heard around. The man was seen walking up, around and to behind Izuku. He took a deep breath and breathed out. Fire scaring her back as she screamed. 

The people in the crowd soon realized how unworthy their fears were, compared to the girl who fears her own family. Only Todoroki had anything close to this, but he wasn't this bad. He fears his father but his father always lets him fight back. This, this was way worse than anything he has ever seen. 

What caught everyone's attention was the screen flickering. It would show seen of Izuku running in the woods with Todoroki and Bakugo, flicker again to Izuku smiling as she ran a race,  flicker again to Izuku and Shinso training together. One for flicker and she was in her childhood room. What happened all those years ago happening again, but this time, she's watching it. Stilled chained up, forced to watch as her 5-year-old self sees her mother's body. 

The wind in the gym picks up but everyone was too entranced to pay attention. The Izuku on the screen opened her mouth and screamed. The sound soul-shattering. When she stopped screaming her head went limp. Then The screen flickered, but it was different this time. This time, she was thinking. It was showing her thought, It showed her learning with Nedzu, training with her dad, cooking with her pops, wrestling with Bakugo. Showed her watching her class and others, knowing the future was bright, weather she was there to see it or not. And last, it showed her mom's smiling face, telling her that no matter what she would be with her, that she supports whatever she wants to do. 

The crowd were in tears watching the screen. When the images stoped, she was in the dark place with her father and grandfather again. "Ya know. For the longest time, I feared you both. But I have other things, other people, with me now. You will forever scare me, but I won't let that keep me from moving on anymore." With that, the chains holding her back, metaphorically and physically, shattered and flew away into the darkness. She dropped down onto the ground that started to appear as a grassy field. She looked to the 2 men who were glaring at her. "Thank you, for building me on an unstable foundation. If it wasn't for you two, I never would have found my real family. But, it's time for you to leave. I'm done with you, now and always. Hisashi, All For One. I am no longer afraid of you."

Just like the chains, the two men shattered and faded away. The area around Izuku lit up. Grassy fields, Blue skies, and a beach. Izuku started heading towards the beach. As she got closer, a figure could be made out. Standing on the edge of the water, green flowing hair, a beautiful flowing dress blowing in the wind. She turned towards the screen and you could see her kind green eyes. You could see the loving smile. And you could see her open her arms. 

"Auntie?" Heads turned towards Bakugo, he was in tears as he stared at the woman on the screen. 

Everyone looked back to the screen and watch as Izuku ran into her mom's open arms. She laughed and she cried. "MOM!" She screamed as she clung to her mom. "I miss you so much." Tears streamed down both of their faces. 

"It's okay. You did it. You broke free. I'm so proud of you. You are doing so good my baby. I miss you so much." Her mom went on with rambles causing Izuku to laugh again. 

"I'm so glad it got to see you again." Izuku looked into her moms' eyes. 

"I know me to baby, me too. " Inko cupped Izukus face, "You have grown so much. Shota-Kun has been taking such good care of you. And Hizashi-Kun. I'm glad they are taking care of you, I haven't seen them since Middle School, but I trust them." Inko closed her eyes and sighed. "Before I go, you need to know something. I feel like you already know, but you need to hear it too. Stop fearing yourself. Stop fearing your Quirks. Accept them. Unlock all those chests in your head and heart and let them in. If you continue to fear them, they will end you. And I don't want you to join me so soon, you have to become a hero and take my father down." Inko let tears escape as she started to fade. "It's time, but I will always be here, but listen to what I said." 

Izuku and Inko hugged one more time. "I love you, mom," Izuku said as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I love you too. And I always will." Inko faded and the screen went black. The wind stopped, rocked lowered to the ground, and Izuku dropped onto the mat. She opened her eyes with tears running down her face. Her parents were at her in a matter of seconds. She collapsed into their arms and cried. Bakugo was next to get to her. Sitting behind her and hugging her. Everyone had tears in their eyes. but also determination. They silently filled out of the gym with their pets, all going home to appreciate their families, except one purple-haired boy who went home to an empty house. 

Todoroki went home and appreciated his sibling, then went to go see and hug his mom. Bakugo soon left to, going home and straight to his mom and dad. Hugging them tightly.


The next day, everyone in the first year hero course made it to school early. They changed, grabbed their pets, and made their way to the gym. There were more teachers this time, Five Devil stars in a giant devil star. Izuku was in the middle. 

"Today, 25 at a time. Let's see what you all got."

By the end of the day, all 40 kids had overcome their fear. They felt reborn. 

And just in time for the sports festival in a couple of days too.

~Hoped you liked it.~

Next is the sports festival arc. If you would like a list of all the animals' everyone got than let me know. 

It might be a while before another update. I go to my ex-stepdads house today and he doesn't have any internet. 

Anyway... Till Next time.

See Ya!

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