Never Stand Alone.

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Quick News Flash. 

I've noticed that a lot of people can work more on their stories cause they are not allowed to go to work/school with the Coronavirus, but sadly I can't do that. I'm already homeschooled so I don't get any time off. Anyway, back to the story!


The rest of the week was hectic. Everyone got their pets approved as a sidekick, they all moved into the dorms, and they were all training their new Quirks as much as possible. Izuku though, she was taking it easy, at least that's what everyone thought. 


>Last Wednesday before the sports Festival.<

Izuku was putting away her school books planning on going home to finish packing when All Might walked into the already empty room. "Young Aizawa, May I speak with you for a minute?" He asked as he deflated. He no longer looks like a walking skeleton when he deflates, but more like his old younger self, just older now. 

"Sure Small Might" Izuku replied as she continued packing. She was still busy as always but she could take a few minutes to talk to the number one hero. "What do you need?"

"I was thinking, and after a lot of thought, I've decided that I want to pass my quirk down to you. I'm not as young as I once was and should think about who I'm going to leave the world too." He looked at Izuku to see she had frozen where she stood. Slowly she looked up, packing her bag long forgotten. 

"You want to give One for All to an All for one user? You do realize that I am a target and could get lost in my power one day right? You do realize how dangerous your decision could be correct?" Izuku walked up to him. Confused. 

Small Might sighed "I have thought of a that, but despite that, It's not just my decision to do this, the Quirk in me call to you. I feel as if it is reaching for you, and I cannot be selfish and not let it get a choice, although, you get the final say." He looked down at his feet.

Izuku sighed pinched the bridge between her eyes. "Okay, okay. Let's go. We have a story to tell my dads." Izuku grabbed the last of her stuff, shoved it into her bag and walked out the door, Small Might taking only a second before he followed. 

>Back to current time line<


Class 1-A and Class 1-B all gathered in the 1-A locker room, no longer caring about the stupid rivalry that was going on between the classes, there are more important things than being the best. The two Class representatives soon came in to tell them that it was time to head out. They could hear Present Mic before they even made it to the entrance.

"LISTEN UP EVERYONE, FIRST WE HAVE THEY KIDS WHO FACED VILLAIN AT THE USJ AND CAME OUT STRONGER THAN EVER, CLASS 1-A OF THE HERO COURSE!" His voice echoed across the stadium. Everyone turned towards entrance one as Class A and B walked out together, mixed together, one together. "AND APPARENTLY 1-B IS WITH THEM AS WELL?" Yeah, no one knew they were doing that.

Mic went on to announce the rest of the classes. Soon everyone was standing before a stage wich Midnight was standing on. The sports festival was about to begin.


Izuku unlocked the door to her house. Her dad and pops were already home having left earlier than her. "Dad, Pops, can you two come in here for a second?" She called into the house.

Izuku and Small Might walked into the living room at the same time as her parents. "What's going on Izuku?" Hizashi asked.

Izuku and Small Might looked at each other "Story time!" Izuku exclaimed as she sat on the couch.

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