Questions and a Deal!

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The doctor took out a few tubs and a long piece of rubber. After wrapping the rubber around my upper arm he started tapping the craves of my arm looking for my vain. After finding a good one he sticks the needle in. I close my eyes and look away to keep my mind off the fact that I have been stuck with so many needles over the years. I start to feel a slight pull in my arm and look over to see the blood filling a tube. That's when it hit me.

I was being injected with blood. That's what AFO (All For One) was injecting me with all those years. Blood. But...Why? Then it hit me... He was trying to turn me into a weapon.

The doctor takes a few vials of my blood before removing the needle and putting a cotton ball over it and writing it up. Removing the rubber in the process. He leaves the room and the Detective comes over to me sitting on the other side of me, opposite of Eraserhead.

"Hi. I'm Detective Tsukauchi, would you mind answering a few questions?" Eraserhead shifted next to me. I didn't get to answer all of his questions before they barged in but, I'm sure they will ask similar questions.

"I will answer to the best of my knowledge," I reply sitting up straighter preparing for the onslaught.

"Okay, state your name and age please." The detective begins as he takes out a note pad.

"Izuku Midoriya, 8 years old." I watch him scribble down my answers.

"Do you know your captures?" His eyes flick to mine for a second before going back to the note pad.

"Hisashi Midoriya. All for one and his minions. Other people who I don't know the name of." Again he writes

"What all happened to you?" Eraserhead tenses and leans in slightly, this must have been one of his questions. Every time I would talk to him I refuse to tell him what was happening. Just that I was being injected with a quirk suppressor and could only talk for a few minutes a day. At first, he didn't trust that I am who I said I was but he always said they were looking for 'Izuku Midoriya' and that gave me hope. After a few days, he started to believe me and would help me forget things for those few moments we had together.

"It would be easier to just show you, but I'm must warn you, you will feel sick afterward. And not because of the quirk." I looked at him and waited for his response he puts his pen down and looks at me confused.

"Okay?" I lean forward and touch his temple. I close my eyes and dive into his head. I barely look as his memories fly by, that's not what I'm here for. After a few seconds, I find the root of his mind. With a deep breath, I reach out for it and touch it. I hold my breath as I send him my memories. I show him who, what, when, and where. But I keep my thought locked uptight.

There was a short time after they first took my voice that my thought took a turn for the worst but he didn't need to know that. After what feels like years of reliving my past again, but in reality, it was only a minute or two, I open my eyes and remove my hand.

The detective looked pale and like he was going to puke. I'm sure he has seen many things in his line of work put feeling like you are living it like he just did is a new experience. He leaned back and just stared at me with an emotion I couldn't read. After a few moments of everyone being tense, he finally spoke.

"How...How are you...Sane?" His speech was broken, most likely still feeling the effects of my memories.

"It was hard I will tell you that. And for a while, I wasn't. But then I got a telepathy quirk and I accidentally found Eraserhead. I didn't search his memories to find his secrets, nor did I do that to you, but instead I started talking to him." I lean back seeing the memories flash before me. "Every day, at the same time for only a few moments, we would just talk...and soon I had my mind back...I found my hope and I held on tight." The detective was looking at me in wonderment at my tale.

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