'Seven hours since removal. The smaller one is awake. I'm surprised both that he's survived outside at all, given his frailty, and that he's woken up so quickly. He may be hardier than I initially thought. I went to observe him in person. A transcript of my notes follows: I am keeping my distance at first. He is poking and prodding at the walls and the floor, though he does not come near the forcefield. Maybe he senses the aura it gives off. I get the impression he is trying to find a way out. Perhaps he wants to go back to the suspension? He has yet to make any sound. It's preferable to the other ones consistent whining and crying. He may not be capable of it, or he may be too focused on his exploration. I've come closer and he's caught sight of me. He's wary and suspicious, though still silent. Obviously he sees me as a potential threat. So he's more perceptive than the other one, at least... I've taken another step closer. His eyes flared a deep purple color, interlaced with blue, and he backed up against the wall. Another step closer. His eyes are glowing brighter. I can sense magic gathering within his soul, but he's too new to know how to make it manifest into an attack. If he could open his mouth, i'm sure he'd snap at me. You can't use magic to defend yourself yet, as much as you try. Closer still. He's getting quite frantic. ...He's... Rattling his bones at me. At tat point i decided to leave him to attend to other matters. The two of them differ strikingly in temperament... One docile, one hostile. Whether that will make things easier or harder, I will have to see.

FanfictionYes, this is a written version of the Handplates comic series by Zarla on Deviantart. Gaster, the old royal scientist, has successfully created two new skeletons but now comes the more arduous task. training them... There will possibly be another bo...