Knew that'd come back to haunt me

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"So hey, I noticed something new in that cozy little home of ours," 1-S said, stopping as Gaster opened a door into a room with a chair in the center surrounded by complex-looking machines. "Oh, here we go." Gaster sighed, stepping into the room. "Oh, you already know what I'm talking about? So you're a mind reader and a sadist. Did you have to kill a lot of babies to learn how to do that, or just a few?" 1-S asked, following behind Gaster and walking over to the chair at the center of the room with a book simply titled 'SKELETONS' placed on it to compensate for 1-S' smallness. "Yes yes, you're very clever and I'm deeply wounded. Let's not do this today." Gaster groaned, reaching up to make some adjustments to a machine suspended above the chair as 1-S climbed onto some books placed on the seat. "Hey, I don't want lasers shot in my eye again either, but I get the feeling it's gonna happen anyway." Gaster remained silent as he turned and began to buckle 1-S's arms and head to the seat. 1-S narrowed his eyes, "Things don't always turn out the way you want sometimes, huh?" he asked smugly. "I don't want to discuss it," Gaster said shortly. "You're pretty good at the mind-reading thing." 1-S continued, ignoring Gaster. "But not so good at the whole, you know... 'kindness' thing." He poked slyly at Gaster. "which is why I'm wondering how my brother got that colour cube." Gaster stopped in his tracks, freezing as if made of ice. "If he stole it, then you would've taken it back by now right?" continued 1-S, "But you seem pretty happy to let him keep it. why is that?" Gaster turned his head slightly, looking back at 1-S. After a long pause, he spoke "...Subject 2 is an idiot. Practicing outside of the tests may improve his scores." At this, 1-S glared at Gaster, eyes narrowing. "My brother's not dumb." he growled. "His results say otherwise." Gaster retorted with a shrug, "He's not dumb, you just don't get how he thinks." 1-S spat. "Poorly by all measures." Retorted Gaster. 1-S paused, calming himself down before talking again. "But okay, fine, you say you gave it to him to practice with. Okay. The thing is, he told me..." He began to say before a groan from Gaster cut him off. "Ugh, you two talk too much." He sighed, sitting down at a set of controls near the chair in which 1-S was seated. "Not like we got anything else to do. My bro said he apologized to you for taking the cube." Gaster nodded, picking up a cup of coffee on the table next to him. "As well he should. I still don't know how he managed it." "You shouldn't underestimate him so much, you know." 1-S warned Gaster who rolled his eyes in boredom. "Spare me your lectures." Gaster groaned, raising the coffee to his jaw. "He said you flinched when he apologized," 1-S said, causing Gaster to flinch, spilling some of his coffee onto the desk. "Yeah, he noticed." 1-S continued as Gaster rubbed away the coffee spill with the sleeve of his lab coat. "He's more observant than you think, too. So then he said he asked when I'd be coming back, and when you didn't know, he got real upset about it." Gaster finished mopping up the spill and looked up at 1-S. "Subject 2 can be emotional." He said simply. "Not like you, huh?" 1-S replied smugly. "Which is what I don't get, 'cause he told me that's when you offered to give him the cube. If I didn't know you better, I'd think it was because you felt bad for him. But hey, you never feel bad about anything, do you?" 1-S asked, a smug expression on his face. Gaster stared at him for a moment then returned his attention to the console in front of him. "That's enough talking."

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