'1-S will not wake up.'
'He does not respond to any magic I can muster - It's like holding water in your hands. His SOUL is still intact, but he lingers between life and death, unable to commit to either. If he was doing this to spite me, I would not be surprised. This would be a less serious problem if that were the case. The will to live is everything.' Gaster stopped typing, turning around in his chair to look at 1-S lying immobile on one of the work tables, cracks interlacing the right of his skull. With a sigh, he turned back to the computer. 'Without it, I may have to consider... other methods.'"Come with me," Gaster said, placing his hand on the scan pad, deactivating the laser barriers of the room in which 2-P sat with their bony legs tucked up to their chest. "What is it?" They asked, looking up with a mixture of fear and curiosity. "Do not dawdle. Come on." is all Gaster replied with, turning and walking away as 2-P clambered to his feet and followed behind. "Okay, then... Where are we going? Are we going to see my brother?" 2-P asked, walking close behind Gaster. "Yes." Gaster replied. "Oh yay!! I was worried about him!! Is he okay, is he going to come back-" 2-P exclaimed happily, eyes lighting up and fists clenching in excitement. "1-S is about to die." Gaster told the little skeleton, bracing himself for the reaction. "WHAT!?!? WHY!?!? WHAT HAPPENED??? IS HE-" 2-P asked, panic swiftly replacing the excitement. "His SOUL is stable, but he refuses to wake despite-" Gaster interrupted before being interrupted himself. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO FIX HIM!! I-" 2-P yelled. Gaster swung around to face them angrily, causing 2-P to take a step back in fear. "Don't interrupt me." He told the naive skeleton coldly. "He refuses to wake despite my efforts. I need you to test my theory." Gaster continued walking. "What do you mean, how can he not- That doesn't make any sense, you're so much stornger than us!! You can do anything!! Why can't you heal him???" 2-P asked, cutting himself off in his haste to ask so many questions, stopping suddenly as Gaster did after the last question. "...Magic is an expression of a monster's SOUL." Gaster told the little skeleton. "It reflects the self like a mirror. As a monster grows... or changes... so too does their magic develop and... shift." He continued, looking down at the gaping holes in his hands. "Certain consequences are unavoidable. Since I began this project, I've lost- I'm losing the ability to heal." He said. "Really? That's... that's awful, i'm sorry." 2-P said, putting his hand to his chest and following Gaster as he continued on. "I knew there'd be a price to pay. I've made my choices and I will live with them. But it means I have to resort to other methods." Gaster explained. "Like... me?" 2-P asked, pointing to himself questioningly. "Yes." Gaster answered. "But.. I've never healed anyone before! I don't even know how! What if I can't do it??" 2-P asked in a worried tone. "Then he will die." Gaster said bluntly, reaching the door to the room in which 1-S lay and opening the door "No... No, he can't, he can't..." 2-P said, placing his hands on his head in worry. "But I believe my theory will be correct." Gatser said as 2-P started forward at the sight of 1-S's damage. "BROTHER!!!" he yelled, running over to the table on which 1-S lay, clutching his limp body in his arms. "Brother!! Brother, can you hear me?" asked his brother's limp body. 'Just as i thought. I don't have to explain a single step.' Gaster thought, watching as 2-P closed his eyes which eyes began to glow a faint green which steadily grew brighter and brighter. 'He already knows what to do, down to his bones.'
2-P opened their eyes to see nothing but a vast white expanse which stretched out either side of him. Looking around he saw the familiar shape of 1-S sitting all alone with his legs tucked in to his chest. 2-P ran towards his brother only to be greeted with a wall of bones which burst from the ground between them. 2-P hesitated before reaching through the gaps in the wall to his brother with and outstretched arm. 1-S stirred and looked up at 2-P with surprise before his gaze turned sad and he looked back down to the ground, causing 2-P to faulter.
'It lights up the air with sparks of life. Photons, electrons. Effortless as predicted.' Gaster thought, watching 2-P as green tendrils of green electricity wove around 2-P and his brother. "Wake up wake up wake up wake up..." 2-P was whispering as he clutched 1-S tighter to his chest. 'It echoes within, distant but familiar... and untouchable. But what else can you expect when sound hits and empty void?' Gaster continued in his head. "You have to, you have to..." 2-P continued under his breath, tears beginning to run down his skull
2-P continued trying to reach his brother through the bones, tears springing into his eyes. 1-S looked up again sadly, but this time, instead of just looking, he got up and began to walk slowly towards the wall of bones, reaching out and grabbing 2-P's hand.
"Please... Please wake up... Please..." 2-P whispered, as a tear dropped down onto 1-S's skull and ran down towards his eye as it began to flutter open. "bro...?" 1-S asked weakly, "There you are!" 2-P exclaimed happily, tears streaming down his face as the green tendrils dispersed into tiny green sparks which drifted slowly around the room, illuminating everything with a faint green glow and leaving green trails in their wake. "There you are... There you are..." 2-P sobbed quietly as 1-S wrapped his arms around his brother in a warm embrace. 'We all make choices.' Gaster thought as he watched the beautiful scene.

FanfictionYes, this is a written version of the Handplates comic series by Zarla on Deviantart. Gaster, the old royal scientist, has successfully created two new skeletons but now comes the more arduous task. training them... There will possibly be another bo...