An unexpected development. I left them within earshot of one another while I cleared out one of the work rooms for future use. It didn't take them long to realize the other was nearby- Perhaps a side-effect of the nature of their SOULs. They made meaningless animal noises to each other. (Subject 1 IS capable of it after all) Nothing unusual or note worthy, but then... They began to babble. I could recognize the noises they were stringing together. Bits and pieces of things i'd said to them. They even mimicked my tone of voice, though clearly without understanding. They can speak. They can learn. They are sentient after all. I don't know how I feel about this. I specifically accelerated their growth because I didn't want them to look like children, I don't want them to SOUND like children-! It's... unnecessary. The rapid growth may apply to their minds as well... if they can progress to an adult level of understanding, at least then... I will introduce them to each other tomorrow with proper precautions in place. This wasn't in my plans, but one must always be ready to improvise. We'll see what happens.

FanfictionYes, this is a written version of the Handplates comic series by Zarla on Deviantart. Gaster, the old royal scientist, has successfully created two new skeletons but now comes the more arduous task. training them... There will possibly be another bo...