Entry number: ▇▇▇
I have a theory. Both subject glow naturally and powerfully- unusually so for our species. Although admittedly... There aren't many of us left to compare. I suppose the unique nature of their SOULs has something to do with it, but it needs proper investigation. 1-S's eye sockets are large, and the aura of his glow is very strong. He seems the best candidate. If the healing tinge I sensed is truly present, and can be replicated or enhanced... Maybe there's hope for my eye after all.
Entry number: ▇▇▇
Failure. 1-S is more fragile than I anticipated. The right eye is broken. Preliminary tests indicate permanent blindness. I suppose now we're a matching set. Knowledge always comes at a price. Sometimes that is the nature of things- one can not always expect perfect answers. I was not able to find and isolate the healing aspect as i'd hoped. But I believe I may be onto something very, very interesting. I will need to observe him carefully while he recovers... And if i'm correct, well. It could change everything. As for the damage... Eyeglowing is essential to a skeleton's emotional well-being. Without full access to the ability, 1-S may develop...
Well,.. That's why i made two of them...

FanfictionYes, this is a written version of the Handplates comic series by Zarla on Deviantart. Gaster, the old royal scientist, has successfully created two new skeletons but now comes the more arduous task. training them... There will possibly be another bo...