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Entry number: ▇▇▇

I have a theory. Both subject glow naturally and powerfully- unusually so for our species. Although admittedly... There aren't many of us left to compare. I suppose the unique nature of their SOULs has something to do with it, but it needs proper investigation. 1-S's eye sockets are large, and the aura of his glow is very strong. He seems the best candidate. If the healing tinge I sensed is truly present, and can be replicated or enhanced... Maybe there's hope for my eye after all.

Entry number: ▇▇▇

Failure. 1-S is more fragile than I anticipated. The right eye is broken. Preliminary tests indicate permanent blindness. I suppose now we're a matching set. Knowledge always comes at a price. Sometimes that is the nature of things- one can not always expect perfect answers. I was not able to find and isolate the healing aspect as i'd hoped. But I believe I may be onto something very, very interesting. I will need to observe him carefully while he recovers... And if i'm correct, well. It could change everything. As for the damage... Eyeglowing is essential to a skeleton's emotional well-being. Without full access to the ability, 1-S may develop...


Well,.. That's why i made two of them...

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