"Are you awake?" Asked Gasters voice from somewhere to S-2's left. "Nngh... what happened? Why can't I see...?" asked S-2 looking around in the darkness that enveloped his sight. "The magic overflowed into your other socket during the procedure." Gasters voice said. "It was quite a spectacular light show, actually." "D... does that mean-" S-2 stammered, fear taking over his emotions. "You are not blind, if that's what you're afraid of." Gaster reassured him. "You can't see because of the bandages. It will probably take a day or two for you to recover." Gaster said, placing his coffee on the beside table. "Does... that mean I can still glow...?" asked S-2, sitting up. Gaster paused. "Yes, it should not have affected that ability in anyway." Gaster said, slightly unsure. "Then... what did you do to me?" asked S-2, looking towards the sound of Gasters voice. "...When the bandages are off... and your eyes have healed... you will see." said Gaster, choosing his words carefully. "See...? You mean my eyes will be open?" asked S-2. "In a sense." Gaster said, standing and lifting S-2 out of the bed via grabbing his SOUL. "Come on." he continued, placing S-2 on the ground. "If you're awake, then you can go back to your cell. Subject 1 can keep an eye on you. I have to get back to work." Gaster said, turning in the direction of the cells. "Uh... aren't you going to carry me? Because, I can't really see..." asked S-2, arms stretched out in front of him. Gaster paused. "I've..." he began, before reconsidering. "expended a lot of magical energy lately. I'm tired." Gaster said, turning to go. "Um..." S-2 said, arms flailing blindly in front of him. Gaster reached out his hand to hold S-2's, pulling back suddenly in hesitation then grabbing his hand and placing it on his coat. "Here, hold on to m- this" he said, saving himself mid sentence. After a long silence S-2 piped up. "...Can I ask you something?" he asked, getting no response from Gaster. "You said, before, that you weren't going to make the same mistake again." Gaster sighed. "Yes, and I did not. You will be able to see just fine." he said curtly. "But, that means you hurt my brother by mistake, doesn't it? That you didn't mean to." Gaster paused. "Breaking his eye was not in my plans, no." Gaster confessed awkwardly. "So... you didn't want to hurt him?" asked S-2, looking suddenly hopefully. "... Subject 1 is too delicate to hurt carelessly." Gaster grumbled. "So, does that mean you won't hurt us anymore? Oh, that's such a relief! I knew-" S-2 began before Gaster cut him off suddenly. "I will do what I have to." Gaster said, glaring at the little skeleton before looking back forward and pausing. "And what people need me to do." he added sadly. "If that requires hurting either of you, then so be it. I will see this through to the end. It's already too late to turn back." he growled. "But... isn't there some other way? Maybe we can help you... it doesn't have to be like this, you don't have to be like this-" S-2 said sympathetically before Gaster spun on his heel. "If you want to help me, you will be silent and obedient." Gaster growled in his face, grabbing onto S-2's wrist. "I don't have time for this." he muttered. "Do you... hate us?" asked S-2 nervously, causing Gaster to freeze. As he stood there silently an image flashed across his mind of him and S 1 and 2 playing happily with eachother in new home. "I don't feel anything for you." Gaster said quietly, just loud enough for S-2 to hear. "...I'm going to tell my brother you did it by accident. I'm going to tell him you didn't mean to hurt him." S-2 said, staring intently at the place of Gasters voice. Gaster started walking again, pulling S-2 suddenly behind him. "Tell him whatever you like." he muttered.

FanfictionYes, this is a written version of the Handplates comic series by Zarla on Deviantart. Gaster, the old royal scientist, has successfully created two new skeletons but now comes the more arduous task. training them... There will possibly be another bo...