You two doing okay over there?

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Gaster sighed. 'It is done. They asked me, begged me, screamed at me to stop.' he said to himself in his head. 'When I did not, they called out for their "brother" to come save them... When they did not, they called out for someone, anyone, to help them. but no one came.' he continued, raising his hand that was shaking slightly to his jaw and took a puff of his 15th cigarette so far. 'A lesson we must all learn at some point. It is done, and i must admit, a part of me is curious now to what they will do. Their limited worldview must be completely shattered. What will they build out of the pieces?' he thought, looking down to the drawing Subject 2 had given to him which now had a cigarette burn mark through the middle of it. 'Can they even understand what just happened to them? How will they adapt to this new paradigm? What will change?'

Meanwhile, somewhere in true lab...

"NNGH-! My hand hurts, I can't get it off- I hate it! I hate it, why did he do this to us???" Subject 2 asked, tugging at the metal plate screwed tightly into his hand. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew we shouldn't- I knew we couldn't trust him-" Subject 1 argued with himself, pacing back and forth in the room they were in. "What did we do wrong??? I don't understand, we... we were good, weren't we?" Subject two questioned, staring at his handplate gloomily. "It wasn't us, WE didn't do anything wrong. It was HIM, he wanted to- to do this to us-" Subject 1 responded, glaring at the floor as if though it would melt under his gaze. "Maybe... maybe he was we'd get lost, or, or they're magic and will protect us from something, or-" Subject 1 spun on his heel, throwing his hands in the air. "Are you SERIOUS?! How can you even say that?! How long were you screaming when he drilled that into you?!" He yelled. "Maybe he had to do it that way!!" Subject 2 retorted angrily. "Yeah, but not for the reason you think. We're just things to him... he's always said that." Subject 1 growled, turning away, the light in his eyes growing dimmer. "He doesn't care about us- he's never cared about us. He can do whatever he wants to us, and who's going to stop him?" "No one even knows we're down here, and it's not like we can get out-" Subject 1 stopped suddenly, panic overtaking anger. "...God, oh my god... What IS he going to do with us?" He asked, half to himself. "This is just the beginning isn't it? This isn't going to stop, its just- it's just going to get worse- oh god-" Subject 1 stammered before Subject 2 cut in. "No... No, No, he won't! He won't, he's not like that! He's not- he's not going to-" Subject 2 began before losing confidence and faltering. "Look at your hand for gods sake!! Don't you get what's going on here?! Don't you get what we ARE to him??" Subject 1 yelled, all anger banished from his face. "That's not- that's not what's going to happen- he's not going to hurt us anymore!" Subject 2 yelled back, fists clenched into little balls of bone. "Are you JOKING?!? What do you think just happened!!! What on earth do you think is going to make him STOP??" Asked Subject 1, gesturing to the door. "He's not- he's not going to hurt us anymore, I know it! I know it, he helped me once, he's not a bad person, he's-" Subject 2 tried to reason, clutching his head with his hands. "Not a bad person except for THESE. Open your eyes!! Can't you tell? he's not going to stop, why would he?" Subject 1 asked, pointing to the metal play screwed into his hand. "What has he ever done for us except-" He began again before Subject 2 cut him off. "He's not- He's- He's not going to- he's not-" He stuttered before gasping and clutching his chest, eyes glowing a warm orange. "Woah, woah, woah hey, are you ok?" Subject 1 asked, crouching by Subject 2's side, patting his hand comfortingly. "Jeez- calm down, calm down, hey, can you hear me?" Subject 1 asked as Subject 2 rested his head on Subject 1's chest, still panicking while Subject 1's eyes began to glow a deep blue color. "hey shhh, shhh calm down, come on. Deep breaths, okay?" Subject 1 murmured, stroking Subject 2's skull softly. "I'm scared too, alright? But we're ok. We're both ok. I'll figure something out, don't worry. Calm down." "It can't- he can't-" Subject 2 said shakily, losing some of the panic. "There has to be good in him, there has to be, there just has to be..." He shook as tears began to form again in his eye sockets. "Shhh, shhh. Breath, okay? Just try to breath." Subject 1 said, hugging Subject 2's head to him. "He has to stop, he has to stop, he has to, he... He... It... It won' get any worse than this... Right...?"


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