Chapter 1- My Life With A Bad Boy

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Riley's POV

I opened my eyes and saw Colton sleeping beside me. I ran my hand through his hair with a smile. He had just come back from a six month tour and we had a long night.

Colton was literally in school with me for a year and then he became this big star. Now we can't go anywhere without the paparazzi following us.

I placed my hand over my eyes and yawned before stretching. Colton tightened his arms around my waist and buried his head in my neck. "It's to early." He whined and planted a soft kiss on my lips. "It's not to early, it's twelve in the afternoon." I said to him. He kissed my nose then got out of our bed. He grabbed his boxers and slipped them on.

I can't believe it's already been four years. Four years! This man has been through thick and thin with me for four years. Lou is now nine and still adorable as ever. Corrie is now eleven and beginning to act like his brother. Shane and Victoria are married and have been for three years. Yeah I know crazy. They got married after us living here for five months and they have never been better. Jake and Hector moved down here a little bit after we did and had their wedding almost a year after Shanes and Victorias.

As for me, I am not married, I didn't say yes to him. He understood why. I didn't want to get married fresh out of high school. I didn't want to rush. So I said no. Sure he was hurt a little bit at first but he knew why I had said no.

So now we are here. Living in California, in our apartment. Colton is a bigger star than ever. I always see his face on magazines or on TV. He tries his best to keep me away from the media because he doesn't want me to get sucked into it and I understand that. So normally when I do go somewhere with him we go to a place where it's not so crowded. 

Sometimes it gets lonely when he goes on tours and crap. I mean Shane has Victoria, and Jake has Hector. So most of the time they go on double dates or do couple things, leaving me at home. It's alright though because after I graduated from college, people began buying my paintings. Normally people say that you're only a famous artist once you're dead but it's not true because I'm still living and I'm successful.

I also do lessons for all ages at the studio, mostly it's just younger kids or teens.

Shane is now twenty three, Victoria is twenty two and so is Colton. Jake is  twenty six, Hector is twenty seven. Then there is me. I'm the little baby of our small family at the age of twenty one.

Colton actually just turned twenty two about a couple of weeks ago, but he was on tour so we couldn't celebrate it with him.

"Princess what are you thinking about?" Ah then there is the famous nickname. He still calls me that.

"Just about life, and everything that has happened yet last couple of years." He laid back down on the bed next to me, hovering over me. "Well I have news for you." He said with a bright smile. "And what's that?"

"At the end of this year, I leave for another tour." I frowned slightly. "But you get to come with me." I smiled and pulled his head down to mine so our lips would meet.

"Princess if I were you, I would stop." He said and lifted up the blanket that was over me and peaked down it. I smacked his hand away. "You pervert." He chuckled and kissed my nose.

"Go shower, I have some stuff planned for us today." He got off of me so I could go shower.

I sat up and quickly booked it to the shower before Colton could see me.

I washed my hair with the strawberry scented shampoo that Colton loves. It was a lot easier to deal with my hair now since it was short. I had cut it all the way up to my shoulders so I could donate it.

When I finished my shower, I grabbed a gray romper with white stripes and gray gladiator sandals and let my hair fall over the tip of my shoulders. I grabbed my white ray bans and my phone then ran down stairs to see Colton in black shorts with a red tank top. How does he always manage to look delicious?  Like honestly. This man can wear anything and it will look good.

"Ready to go princess?" He asked with a smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded. "So where are we going?" He shrugged. "You'll find out soon." He bent down and pecked my lips. I frowned. "You call that a kiss?" He chuckled and shook his head. He bent down and slowly massaged my lips with his own.

"I call that a kiss." He whispered in my ear. "That's more like it. Alright, let's go." We walked downstairs to his motorcycle.

Yes, after all these years, he still has his motorcycle. He says it means to much to him, so he doesn't want to sell it. I don't mind it. In fact, I love taking rides on it. I get to feel the wind against my skin, and I get to hold onto Colton.

After a twenty minute ride, we pulled up to a little restaurant. Why is he bringing me all the way out here to eat? I mean don't get me wrong, I love the fact that he goes out of his way to do this stuff, but why here.

"Come on babe." He said and pulled me lightly towards the restaurant. When we got inside I looked around. Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit! Every one from back home was here. My mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, Winnie, Lou, Corrie, and Debbie and Daniel. I haven't seen them since I literally ran into them at my birthday party.

Then of course, Shane, Victoria, Jake, and Hector were here as well.

"Oh my god. I missed you all so much." Winnie ran up to me and hugged the ever living shit out of me. "I've missed you so much! Ever since you and Colton have been away, I haven't had anyone to bug me while I play video games." I smiled and hugged her. "Well while you're here, we can bug you all you want us to." After talking with Winnie for a bit, I ran over to Corrie and Lou.

"Aw my babies! I missed you guys." Corrie and Lou attacked me with hugs. "We miss you to sis." Corrie said and smiled. "Yeah, we missed you lots sissy. Oh and guess what? I lost my forth tooth this morning." She smiled showing me a gap where her tooth used to be. "You guys are getting so big. I don't think you can sit in my lap much longer." I said and kissed both of their cheeks.

They both laughed and ran off to go play some game with Winnie. I walked over to Debbie and Daniel. "Hey Debs! I haven't seen you since my eighteenth birthday. How have you been?" She smiled and hugged me. "I've been good! Been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you've been."

"I've been good, definitely glad to see you guys again." I looked at Daniel and hugged him. "Hey Riley! I can't believe how grown up you've become." He gave me a sad smile and I hugged him again. "Well I'm still a kid at heart. Plus I'm pretty sure I still act like a two year old." He chuckled and shook his head. "What ever Riley."

I walked over to my mom, dad, and grandparents. "Hey sweetie, we have missed you so much." My mom said and hugged me. I then hugged my dad and my grandparents. "I can't believe you guys are all here. It makes me so happy." My dad hugged me again. "Well Colton planned all of this. He wanted to get together after his tour was over. Oh and by the way, it's nice to know all of his love songs are about my daughter." I smiled to myself.

This is my life with a bad boy.

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