Chapter Two

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                                                                                         Lynn POV:

This year I decided that I would let the kids go to school if they wanted but only if they were careful and made sure nobody found out about us. Luckily we knew someone who could get us into a school. Her name was Naya Kimer, she was the only adult who knew us beyond The Dome and had helped us find this house and with other stuff. I called her and she said she would see what she could do about finding a school for us seven.

I told the kids the good news and explained that they might be split up since they were different ages. Paige and Lizzie took this the hardest since they almost never left each other's side.

"It'll be okay, you'll still see each other after school and you might make new friends your age." I tried to reassure them.

I knew it would take some adjusting but they would eventually learn to cope without the other. Everyone else was thrilled to meet people their age. Paige and Lizzie would be going to elementary school, Paige would be in first grade and Lizzie in third grade. Michael, Ava, and Liam would be going to middle school, Michael would be in sixth grade and the twins in eighth grade. Finally Jason and I would be in high school, I would be a junior and he would be a sophomore. We knew the basics about the core subjects but we knew we had to study so we didn't seem out of place. For the next few weeks each kid learnt as much as they needed for their separate grades. When I got the call from Naya telling me that she got us into school I almost squealed, almost. I headed down from my room into the dining room and called everyone over. I gave them the news and they were all going to school and that we started in less than two weeks and everyone freaked out and for those next couple weeks all of them studied the most I've ever seen them.

We had to go school shopping with Naya, so she agreed to help us get supplies and new clothes. We rarely got new clothes unless we grew out of them or they got destroyed. We all loaded into her van, luckily she had enough room for us and we headed over to the store. When the car stopped everyone rushed into the store, people must have thought we were crazy. Luckily not all the school supplies was out so each of us took our school group and went to get our supplies. While Jason and I were searching for our list we ran into a group of teens doing the same thing. We found out they went to the same high school that we were going to and we talked for a while. That was until Paige and Lizzie came over and dragged me away. I wanted to keep talking but being the mom of our little family was priority. I wish I could hear what they were saying, I thought. Then all of the sudden, I heard teenager voices and I looked around to see where they were coming from. After about ten seconds I heard a familiar voice of Jason's, I was so confused about how I could hear them and then it dawned on me.

"I think I just discovered a new power" I told the kids.

"What is it?" they asked at the same time.

"Its super hearing I think" I told them with uncertainty.

They asked me how I found out and I told them I wanted to hear someone's conversation and it just happened. After I told them they tried to see if they had it to no avail. I listened in on the conversation once again, just to make sure Jason didn't say anything bad about us. My name came up a few times and I don't think it was from Jason. They said they were fifteen and sixteen, lucky us I sighed out loud and the girls asked me what was wrong. They are the best sisters to me even if I don't think I deserve it. I helped them find the rest of their things and headed back over to where Jason was still talking to those two teens. I had Paige and Lizzie with me and so they asked if they were our sisters. I replied by saying they were but not biological and how we were adopted. It's how we explain us not looking like each other despite the eyes.

The girl whose name I learnt was Jessica seemed to be trying to flirt with Jason and I might have gotten a tad upset and Jason noticed. It's not like I actually like him he's like a brother to me but that Jessica didn't seem like a good person to me. She gave me a death stare and so I left with Lizzie and Paige to find the rest of my supplies and Jason left a few minutes after I did.

"I hope we don't run into them during school" I told Jason

"They weren't that bad though. Why were you acting weird around them?" Jason asked me.

"I wasn't acting weird it's just that Jessica doesn't seem like a great person." I said with a hint of jealousy.

Everyone else had their best friend but I was the lone wolf of the group. Jason and Michael, Ava and Liam, and then Paige and Lizzie.

"I found out I have super hearing." I told Jason casually.

"What? How, I thought you couldn't get any more since you were grown up." He replied

"That's what I thought, maybe it's just a one-time thing." I said.

We continued talking about my new super hearing on the way home and I answered their questions as best I could. Tomorrow was the first day of school and I was extremely nervous even if I didn't want the kids to know that. Jason and I had the same lunch period and we both got P.E. for fifth period.

Ava and Liam were in a few classes together and Michael had some electives with them. Paige and Lizzie on the other hand would only be able to see each other during lunch since we asked the school to make sure they saw each other. Once Naya dropped us off at 10 o'clock I made everyone go to bed since we had to catch the bus tomorrow. I jumped in my bed and let the sleep takeover.

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