Chapter Seven

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"I have super hearing now, it's going crazy and I can't turn it off." I screamed not being able to hear myself.

My mother quickly ran over to a control panel and then the alarm stopped screeching. During that time my nose had started bleeding, probably from hearing too loud of noises. My parents helped me up and guided me to a chair. A doctor was called to make sure I didn't suffer any major damage. I almost thought my parents cared about my wellbeing, but then I remembered how they needed me and they didn't want their weapon dying on them.

"How long have you known about your super hearing?" My mother asked

"A couple of weeks" I told her

"How did you find out about it?" My father then asked.

"I wanted to hear some ones conversation and I heard it from a few yards away." I said.

"Interesting. Have you discovered anymore new powers?" my mother asked again.

"Nope, this is the only one" I told them

Lizzie was still in the room and up until then I hadn't realized she was listening. I returned to the training room after my parents asked me a few more questions.

I ran some more on the treadmill and then went to the target practice station. At this station I used a bow and arrow and made it so my aim was perfect. I hadn't used a bow and arrow in quite some time so I thought I would need some time to get back into it since I didn't think I could get out for a couple days. But I was shocked that I had muscle memory with using a bow and it only took a few tries for me to get back into the groove of it. After a couple dozen tries I was hitting bullseye every time.

I checked the time and saw that it was only 2pm. It felt like I was training forever, I had forgotten about how I had to get out of here. They now knew about my super hearing and would add that to the dampening weapons and they knew my speed capabilities so know I would be completely powerless against them.

If their theory about me developing new powers was true, then I had to figure out what they were and not let my parents find out about them. I didn't know how many other kinds of superpowers there were but I knew I had to find out which ones I had. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner, time does really fly when you're thinking to yourself.

I joined my parents in the dining room and saw Lizzie there as well. They didn't let me see her for very long since they were making me train and I didn't know what they were doing to her. I had to find her and make sure she was okay and they weren't brainwashing her into helping them. If they had Lizzie helping them they would be almost unstoppable, her fire powers can defeat most of the family and the ones it doesn't defeat it hurts badly.

I asked my parents about Lizzie and they acted like they didn't hear me. A few moments later, Lizzie walked in with a new suit on. It looks like a super suit, its bright red with orange and yellow detailing. It also has a little fire emblem on the chest piece.

"What do you think Lynn?" she asked me

"It looks good on you. Where did you get it?" I asked

"They gave it to me" she said while pointing at my parents.

They nodded and then Lizzie sat down at the table with us. She dug right into the food, she probably didn't have lunch and was most likely using her powers which made her famished. The dinner continued without n\any problems and then it was over. Lizzie was supposedly going back to her room, but I don't think she was, and I was going to take a shower.

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