Chapter Nine

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Jason POV:

Today was our first day at our new schools. Paige was terrified now that she didn't even have Lizzie to support her. I had hope that Lynn would get here soon and if she didn't I was thinking about looking for her myself.

I was woken up at 6am by my blaring alarm clock. One good thing about this new school is that we didn't have to take the bus. It had been over two weeks since Lynn was taken and I've only talked to her once and it was brief.

If I was going to get through this school day, I had to stop focusing on her and focus on seeming like an ordinary high schooler. Hopefully this school ended better than the last one. I decided that I would try and make friends this time around. I knew people at our last school but I wasn't really friends with them.

I knew Lynn would tell me to get it together and to not think about her but it was hard not to. I decided to walk Paige to her classroom and she seemed to relax a little. I walked over to my school and tried to get through the day. Luckily nobody saw any of the videos those kids took at the last school or I would be getting a lot of questions and stares. I was in that school for about a month until I heard from Lynn again.

"Hey Jason. How are you doing?" she asked like she didn't know that we all missed her.

"I'm back at school and it's horrible. Do you have an escape plan yet?" I asked hoping her answer would be a yes.

"Maybe. That's why I'm calling actually. I'm trying tonight and I need to know a place to head to" she said.

"You can stay here. I'm sure this family wouldn't mind and if they do we can just leave" I said hoping she would agree.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow morning" she said and hung up.

I knew she would get out. It was Lynn and when she wanted something, she always got it. I hoped Lizzie was okay too though. I haven't gotten any news on her and I wonder if she's switched sides.

I tried to go to bed, but my nerves were getting the better of me. Eventually sleep overtook me and when I woke up I saw Lynn sitting at my desk.

I raced over and gave her the biggest hug ever, and she knows how much I don't like hugs. She returned the hug and I let her go.

"How did you get out?" I asked

"It wasn't that hard to be honest. I was expecting a challenge but it was like they wanted me to escape." She said

"Well you're here now and that's what matter. Where's Lizzie?" I asked

"She joined their side and is now against us. I tried to get her but she threw a fireball at me and I had to leave" she said looking at the ground.

"Oh. Well we'll get her back. I know we will, but for now we should probably get you some breakfast." I said while walking to the kitchen.

I could tell she was nervous about what the foster parents would say about her appearing during the middle of the night. Everyone else was already downstairs enjoying their breakfast when we arrived.

"Everyone, this is Lynn. She didn't have anywhere else to go so I might have said she could stay here" I said while everyone was staring at us.

"Lynn is it really you?" Paige asked while running over and hugging her.

"Yeah, it's really me Paige. I've missed you, how's life here been going?" she asked Paige.

"Good but not as good as the old house with everyone" Paige said

The Hawkins seemed shocked and they hadn't said a word since I introduced Lynn.

"She's one of the other six kids I told you about" I said sheepishly

"Where did she come from?" Heather asked

"I escaped from The Dome headquarter" she said casually, like it was no big deal, which it was.

The Hawkins jaws almost dropped to the floor. Everyone in the world knew about The Dome and thought nobody could escape them.

"Oh yeah they're also my parents" she said

She almost never tells people that information and was telling complete strangers. Something was off about her. She seemed cold and I knew she would be changed from being there for months but this is just not what I expected.

"Are we going to go and get the twins and Michael?" she asked

"Yes we will but I need to know some things first." I said. She seemed surprised that I didn't want to reunite the family so quickly.

"Okay. What do you want to know?" Lynn asked

"How'd you get out?" I asked

"I fought off some guards and snuck through a hidden exit" she said

"Okay and one more thing. Why did they want you there?" I asked

"To help them with something and to see my powers in action since they think I have some more" she said

I nodded and we left to go and get Ava, Liam, and Michael. It wasn't a long walk for us since Lynn sped us both over there. Lynn knocked on the door and a couple answered.

"Hello, we're here for Ava, Liam, and Michael." I said

"Why do you want them" the lady asked

"Because we're their family" Lynn said

Some of the kids must have heard the door and came to check out what was happening. I saw Ava staring at us shocked. She ran and a few seconds later was at the door with Liam and Michael.

'We can't just let them go" the man said

"Well I would advise you to because no matter what they are coming with us" Lynn said. She was getting a little angry because she was mad about not being able to see them.

"Okay well do you want to come inside so we can talk?" the couple asked

We all nodded and went inside to the living room. Before though Ava, Liam, and Michael asked us a million questions and couldn't seem to believe how Lynn escaped.

To the three people reading this thanks 

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