Chapter Ten

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Lynn POV:

We were inside the foster home for the twins and Michael. The couple who lived here was confused by why two teenagers and a six-year old would want three of their foster kids.

We were in the living room and I was growing impatient. We needed to figure out a way to get Lizzie out of there before someone figures it out.

"How do you know those three" the woman asked while pointing at Ava, Liam, and Michael

"They're my family that's why. I've taken care of them since we were little" I said

"Do you know these people?" asked the man to the twins and Michael

"Yes of course we know them. We need to go with them, they're not lying, and they're our family" Ava said

She was turning out like me. She always took charge in a situation whenever someone else was lost for words.

"Well this chat has been eventful, but we must get going. We have people to save and other things to do" I said

The family looked confused and I couldn't explain what I meant so I got up and walked through the door. Everyone else followed me and we set out to find a place to stay. I called Naya and she had a place we could stay. Luckily the place was only two miles away from where we were.

"Paige can fly there and Ava can teleport herself and someone else. While I super speed two people over" I said and gave everyone a person to keep an eye on.

Paige had already started flying over there and Ava teleported herself and Liam to the new house. I sped over with Michael first and then Jason.

Our powers were useful whenever we didn't want to walk. We all got to the house quick and sat down to discuss the past weeks.

"What happened over here?" I asked

"Well we went to foster homes since we couldn't live at the old place anymore because of teens and kids coming to find us" Jason said.

I wish I had gotten out of that place quicker because everyone seemed miserable here. I told them what I did there and how they think I have even more powers. Jason had already heard this entire conversation and was too busy on his phone to listen.

I knew we had to come up with a plan to get Lizzie back from The Dome before it was actually too late.

They were master manipulators and could get almost anything they want from someone. Lizzie would never openly betray her family but if she didn't know what she was doing, she might accidentally do it.

I called a family meeting, which felt weird without the whole family here. It wasn't like our normal meetings, which usually got us either laughing or arguing with each other. This meeting seemed darker than the others and we all know the reason why.

"Does anyone have any ideas to get Lizzie back?" I asked knowing they probably wouldn't.

"Nope" everyone said simultaneously.'

"Okay then, maybe we could get her out the way I escaped. Paige might be able to break through to her" I said

"That might work" Jason added in

"How did you get out then?" Ava asked

"I snuck through a hidden exit that someone from the lab gave me" I said

'Why did they let you escape if they were from the lab?" Jason asked

"I don't know. I got a note one night and I said that they would help me escape soon" I said

I never did find out who sent that note to me.

"We need to make sure our powers are working correctly because there is no room for error" I said

"I did miss Lynn's pep talks" I heard Liam mutter

"I knew you liked them" I said while trying not to laugh.

The room erupted into laughter and it made all our problems seem to go away even for a few seconds. I haven't felt like this in a long time.

The kids' powers were doing well but some of them needed work.

Jason had his powers under control, which was to be expected from the second oldest. He was getting a little bit stronger every day.

Ava was doing great with her teleporting, they must have done some training when I wasn't here.

Liam can take even more people and turn them invisible, which will be helpful on a stealth mission.

Michael learnt how to shapeshift into someone he sees and can turn into different animals, while taking their strength among other things. His mind reading was improving but it was a strain on him to use frequently.

Finally Paige, she could fly fast now. She could get up to forty miles per hour when flying. Her healing is now more reliable and able to heal larger wounds and do it quicker.

We've been training for the last two weeks while looking for a way into The Dome without getting captured ourselves.

Finally we found out exactly where the facility where she was being kept was. Before we burst into there, we decided to do a recon mission to find out the layout of the building.

I went with Liam so if anything went wrong I could speed us out of there. We were going tomorrow since we couldn't wait any longer or she would be gone forever.

We all met in the living room and went over the plan for tomorrow. Everyone was nervous, even me, and it was understandable.

"So does everyone know their roles for tomorrow?" I asked

"I'm turning myself and Lynn invisible while we try and find a way into the building" Liam said nervously

I didn't want make him scared but this was the only way we wouldn't get caught.

"Us four are on standby in case anything goes wrong" Jason said while motioning to Ava, Michael, and Paige

"When we get Lizzie, I'm going to get her to come with us" Paige said.

I knew this plan would work, it had to work.

"Okay everyone go get some sleep. You'll need you're energy tomorrow and we're leaving at 9am" I said

They all went into their rooms and I tried to get some sleep but I didn't fall asleep until 4am and I had to be up at 7am.

I heard my alarm clock go off and when I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast I saw that everyone was already up.

I guess the nerves got to them as well. Knowing our luck, something would happen and then we have to come up with another plan.

None of this would've happened if I didn't let the kids go to school. But I just wanted them to know what a normal life felt like and instead their lives got even crazier.

We all ate breakfastand then headed out to get Lizzie back.

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