Chapter Four

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Lynn's POV

I woke up early for some reason. It was only five-thirty in the morning, I didn't have to get up for another half hour. I decided that I didn't need to go back to sleep so I decided to go for a jog. By jog I mean running at about three-hundred miles per hour, which is slow for me. I pulled my messy hair back into a ponytail and then got into a running outfit that wouldn't burn up as easy. Just as she was about to head out she heard a crash from upstairs. She raced up the stairs and a large gaping hole in the wall from Jason and Michael's room.

"What is happening in here?" I asked Jason and Michael.

"I accidentally threw my alarm clock threw the wall." Jason said sheepishly.

I started laughing, laughing at a time like this but it was hilarious to me at least since he was one of the ones who was more in control of his powers.

"You got scared of your alarm clock?" I said with trying not to laugh.

"Yeah. I can clean up if you need." Jason said anxiously.

I don't know what has gotten into him usually I have to force him to help out and he doesn't treat me like the leader everyone else does. He acts like I'm a normal teenager, not a teenager in charge of six kids at the age of sixteen. I told him he didn't have to help and just get ready and eat breakfast. He nodded and went downstairs to get some food. I didn't mind cleaning up the mess left behind from a fourteen year old with superpowers throwing an alarm clock through a wall.

Just as I got done eating the bus arrived, I wasn't even dressed for school yet. I ran to my room and quickly put on any clothes that would be presentable and kept my hair in a smooth ponytail.

I barely didn't miss the bus and graciously accepted the seat Jason saved for me. Unfortunately someone sat in my seat and talked my ear off.

"I wish the bus could go as fast as I could." I muttered under my breath.

The person next to me heard me and looked at me weirdly.

"What do you mean as fast as you?" the stranger asked suspiciously.

"I can run fast and this bus is super slow I probably could outrun it." I said with a nervous laugh.

They accepted the excuse and went on talking to any one they could. The day flew by until I got to lunch. I sat down at a table alone and hoped someone would sit with me since I looked like a total loner. Lucky for me Barry came and sat down and a few seconds later so did Jason. I was surprised he actually came and it looked like Barry was shocked as well. Jason and I had a secret code for our powers when around people who don't know. Barry eyed us suspiciously when we started using it, I mean we did come up with it when I was seven and he was six so it's kind of weird to still use.

I could not wait to go to P.E. today, most kids in my class dreaded it but maybe because I don't get tired of working out and I used to do it a lot to train it's just normal for me. Today was our sit-up and push-up test and we had a maximum of eighty so it didn't go on for too long. Both Jason and I got eighty on both tests so we asked to keep going since it had been so long since we trained.

The coach denied us but we made it to two-hundred sit-ups without him noticing. Next up was the rope again and since our coach thought we would have a sibling rivalry he set us up against each other. Of course we did actually have this sibling rivalry and raced each other and hit the bell at the exact same time but I decided to not climb down the rope and just jumped straight off.

I heard a snap in my foot and assumed I had broken my ankle.

"Again Lynn. Really?" Jason said with a sigh

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