Chapter Three

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Lynn's POV

I woke up to a blaring alarm and super speeded out of bed, then I realized it was only an alarm clock. Being on the run made me a little jumpy, and by a little I mean a lot. I made sure everyone else was up and made them get dressed while I made breakfast. I wasn't that good of a cook but I knew how to heat up some waffles for everyone. We went through two boxes of waffles with just seven kids, since our metabolisms are higher due to our powers, we have to eat a lot more than a normal kid to not be starving. I heard the bus outside for the middle school and sent Michael, Ava, and Liam on their way. A few minutes later the high-school bus came and Jason left. I stayed to help Paige and Lizzie since they were the most scared. I went on the bus with them to make sure they got to class, luckily my school was only a minute walk away.

When the bus arrived I walked Lizzie to her class first and found her a seat while introducing myself to her teacher. She seemed nice enough and so I went over to Lizzie and reminded her not to talk about how she can move things with her mind and create fire because it will scare people. She looked down at her desk and nodded sadly. I gave her one last hug before heading over to Paige's class.

When we got there, only a few kids were there since most parents bring them on the first day. I only had about ten minutes to get to my school so I told her not to heal anything and absolutely no flying. She agreed quickly so I hugged her and raced over to my school.

I used a little of my speed to get there since I was almost late and luckily nobody saw me.

The halls were filled with teenagers trying to find their classes. Lockers filled the entire hallway and I even saw a few couples making out. I did not need to see that on my first day of school. I tried to find Jason to see if he was doing okay but he was surrounded by Jessica and her minions. The first day and he has already gotten popular.

Unfortunately I had Algebra 2 first period and I was super bored the entire time. Luckily second period was drama and I loved acting I found out. I met some teen named Barry and we talked the entire class. The teacher didn't know who was talking and so we didn't get in trouble. At the end of class we exchanged numbers and found out we had Anatomy together. We were partners in anatomy and talked for the entire class once again. I usually avoided talking to people but he was different and easy to talk to.

Lunch was up and I could finally see Jason and ask him about his day. I managed to find him after five minutes of searching. I saw him surrounded by people, laughing and talking like they've know each other for years. I don't know why I feel a little jealous that he made friends this quick, they probably weren't real friends anyway. Jason did attract people with his piercing emerald eyes that seemed to look through every wall I've put up and his flowing, soft jet black flowing hair.

I walked away and went to sit with Barry and we joked around and had a fun time at lunch and I forgot all about Jason. During fifth period with Jason, which was P.E. right after lunch of course, we got paired up for a game of dodgeball. I got nervous since whenever we would play dodgeball at the house we all used our powers and I wished I didn't accidentally use them.

"Make sure you don't use your strength" I warned him.

"You don't have to worry about me I'm not one of the little kids you know" Jason replied angrily.

I have no idea why he is so mad at me I haven't done anything to him all day. Is it because of lunch I wondered to myself? It couldn't have been he had all his new friends over there. We got held in P.E. for the rest of the day due to storm warnings. Our coach made us do pre-tests like the infamous mile test and we had to climb a rope. I've never known people to climb ropes in P.E. I assumed it was only in movies. When the mile came it was difficult not to use my speed, I used it only a little to beat one girl who was making fun of me, and the rope was no problem for me. We had climbed ropes at headquarters while growing up for our training.

After the school day ended, we got on a bus back home. I sat alone of course until some girl came up and asked to sit with me. I agreed because she didn't seem bad and we had a talk about high school and other things. Once it was my stop I rushed inside the house and waited for the other kids to get home.

Ava, Liam, and Michael got home first and told us about how they love school.

Ava said "It's not even that hard to learn"

Liam told us how he didn't like math at all, but Ava seemed to love their math class. Michael said it was easy to get settled in despite it being his first school day. Ava asked if she could invite her friend Emma over later and I grudgingly agreed. A few minutes later Paige and Lizzie got home. They didn't leave each other's side for the next few hours, it seemed they did not have the best day without each other but I knew it would get easier with time.

Later that night, Ava invited Emma over for dinner and I decided to see if Barry wanted to come over and shockingly he agreed.

"Someone's at the door" I heard Jason shout

"Open it then." I yelled at Jason

He sighed then opened the door to reveal Barry, Jason eyed him suspiciously but I told him to get over it. We all sat down at our oversized wooden dinner table and ate some pizza from down the street.

Dinner was awkward at first but soon everyone was talking and it seemed to pass.

"Where are your parents?" Barry asked.

"They're at work until ten." I told him.

He didn't ask any more questions after that luckily because I wouldn't have had an answer for half the questions he could ask. When dinner was over I revealed that I had gotten everyone ice cream earlier for it being the first day. For the first time in years we had ice cream, this year was the only one where we weren't half way to starving all the time. I said goodbye to Barry and shortly after Emma's mom came to pick her up.

After everyone left, we all headed up to our rooms. I went into my room that I share with Paige and Lizzie. They insisted on the walls being purple and blue and when an angry kid with fire powers wants something really bad they know how to get it. I went straight to bed since I was exhausted from the school day.

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