Chapter Fourteen

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Lynn POV

We were running low on food so I took some of the money Naya gave us this week and went to the store. I took Jason with me since I got extremely bored while grocery shopping. Ava and Liam were watching the younger kids and I didn't think they would get in too much trouble. They're well behaved for a six, eight, eleven, and two thirteen year olds. If I had taken any other kids then the kids would get upset. After about an hour Jason and I were done with the shopping and headed back home.

I called everyone outside to help pack up the groceries but nobody came. I was getting worried after a few minutes and went inside.

They probably had to TV on too loud and couldn't hear us. That was the logical explanation but for some reason I knew something else was happening. The hairs on my neck stood up that moment and I started to panic but I knew I couldn't. Jason went around the corner for a split second and when I tried to call him to ask if he knew where the rest of the kids were. He was nowhere to be found. I was freaked out now, I started to worry and kept thinking about the worse possible explanations.

I crept around the corner, and watched all around for anyone. I was about to walk into the living room, since it was oddly placed and you couldn't see it from the front door, when I heard some rustling. I peek around the corner and see nothing so I walk into the room.

All of the sudden all the kids jump up and yell "Surprise". I got startled so badly that I accidentally ran into a wall, almost ran into a wall.

"What is happening in here?" I questioned all of them

"We wanted to thank you for taking care of us all these years" I heard Michael say.

I was so shocked, I never expected thanks from them I just knew I needed to protect them.

I was being emotional at the moment so I pulled them in for a group hug. After that ended Jason spoke up.

"Ok sit down on the couch" he said

Before I could sit down, I heard helicopters outside. I knew at that moment, this was our big battle with The Dome. I realized the other kids couldn't hear them so I explained what was happening.

The started freaking out but I managed to calm them down somehow.

"Everyone this is not a joke, we need to be precise and no mistakes nothing matters right now besides beating them" I said. I didn't like giving pep talks.

We went outside and waited for them to land. I knew my parents, they wouldn't want to get us unless we were face to face. My time control would not be too useful if they made a dampener for it.

I saw at least one hundred soldiers jump out of the helicopters. I tried to freeze time and I kind of worked they were slowed down but still were fast enough to fight us.

I pulled out my daggers, since I escaped I had made some adjustments to them. My dagger now were electrified. I had about twenty soldiers running up at me. Luckily there suits were only built to protect against our powers and not electricity. I knocked about seventeen out when about ten more came up to me. The kids had maybe about ten to twenty on each of them. When I finished taking down the people attacking me I ran over to Lizzie and Paige to help them out.

Some of them were getting beat up badly and I knew some of them couldn't fight much longer. Ava's teleportation was taking a lot of energy out of her and so was Liam's invisibility. If I didn't do something now, I knew someone would end up falling and I'd rather it be me then one of them.

I used all my remaining strength to try and stop time. I felt this strange feeling and I knew that something more than time stopping would happen. I could feel my head pounding but shock kept me from feeling too much. The pain started to surface and it was excruciating but I knew I couldn't stop now. I tried to look around at the battle field. Some of the kids were going strong and others were starting to get tired and were starting to lose.

Time was stopped and everything was frozen besides the kids, my parents, and I. I didn't mean for my parents to not get frozen, they must've prepared for this moment. I looked around and thought I would see frozen people, but all I saw was nothing besides their armor on the ground. It was like they just disappeared. I started to get dizzy and was about to fall when Ava teleported and caught me. I collected myself and stood up and faced my parents.

"Why won't you just leave us alone?" I screamed at them.

"Do you see what you just did?" my mother said.

I knew something happened with the soldiers disappearing, but I thought my parents did it before I froze time.

"I froze time?" I questioned her since I knew she saw it the first time.

"No not that, you altered the soldiers out of existence" my father said

"That's not possible, you can't just go around altering reality." I said starting to panic

"Well you just did and that's why we can't let you go." Both of them said in unison. It was really creepy. I knew I couldn't do anything to them in this moment because I noticed they were only holograms. I had been too focused on what was around me I didn't notice how they hadn't moved the entire fight.

If I knew my parents, when they wanted something they did whatever it took to get it.

"We don't even want the other kids, they have nothing on your powers" my mother said

I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Ava was focusing really hard. All of the sudden the real versions of my parents were in front of us and they looked terrified.

Ava must've teleported them out here, that kid surprises me more each day. I tapped into the last of my energy and they disappeared.

Jason pulled me in for a kiss despite the little ones making kissing noises and fake gagging.

We went home and had some dinner.


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