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"Congratulations for your discharge, Miss Ignes!" A nurse happily cheered as she clapped her hands in joy.

She must have really wanted me to leave... She must have really hated me... Not as if I had liked her either...

Finally I would leave the disinfectant smelling building for good and return to a new home that has my dad waiting in there for me.

Dad had let Roger stay by my side as I was discharged and sent back home as he couldn't attend due to an important meeting with his company's shareholders.

Of course I understood his struggles.

According to the many books that I have read, managing a company included packed schedules, sleepless nights and a lack of emotions. It was expected that my dad wasn't here for my discharge from hospital and I couldn't really blame our breadwinner.

"Miss, you will enter the school once the new term starts, but for now, you will have to deal with homeschooling so that you know the basics of the curriculum before you go to school." Roger explained as he carried the box that had my gifts and belongings into the car boot and slammed it down.

"Hmm. That's fine. It's actually ideal thanks for the trouble." I muttered as he opened the door for me and I slipped in.

When the car began to move, the sudden movement shocked me, making me hold onto the sides of the car and my body was continuously tense. In the dream, all I had travelled in was carriages, magic or I walked barefoot. Even before that dream, I didn't go on cars that much and only walked around. The only place that I needed to go to was the off licence or nearby shopping centre after all.

This new feeling of being in a car made me foolishly afraid and Roger had clearly sensed that, stopping every now and then to inquire my status.

Once again, the classy car parked by the road and Roger turned to look at my trembling body that was clenching onto the door.

"Miss. Are you truly okay? Can we continue on?" He asked helplessly and cautiously as he observed my pale complexion.

Replying to his words, a wave of unease flooded my mind as I felt the disgusting hospital food push its way out of my throat and I quickly opened the door to puke. The colourful substance raining out of my mouth.

Roger quickly jumped out of the car to bring out a pack of tissues and hand them to me as my zombie like appearance made him slightly disturbed.

"Roger? I don't think I could survive in that beast any longer... Give me the address, I will walk!" After complementing for a while, I decided on the best possible option. It seems that I have caught the legendary car sickness, so therefore, the only option left for me if I wanted to be comfortable is to use my feet.

I did quite a deal of exercise in rehabilitation so maybe my stamina and fitness is great?

Okay, maybe not. That period in the hospital couldn't possibly make me so fit but I was determined to walk all the way to my destination if I needed to board that weird and modern vehicle.

"Miss, I'll have you know, the house isn't until another hour's drive. You were admitted to the hospital near your home and not Sir's house. It is quite a distance to trek. I doubt that you wouldn't make it back even by midnight." He bluntly spoke, looking at me with sympathy pouring out of his brown orbs. "You will just have to deal with your motion sickness."

The words that flowed out of his mouth so easily made me dumbstruck.

There was no other way...

No other way...

Other way... None.

Clasping my head, I reluctantly made my way into the car and plopped down, closing the door timidly as I pulled my hair with my free hand.

Urggg! Let the hell commence.

Roger sighed before following my actions to step into the car and before he drove, he opened the compartment and gave me a small box of something.

"Sleeping pills. I was very reluctant to give it to you but if you are asleep then you won't feel the motions. ONLY take ONE, okay?" He smiled, pointing a single finger up whilst he also handed me a bottle of sealed water.

Flicking open the tin box, I poured out a single pill and placed it in my tongue before washing it through my system with the water.

I blinked once. And then twice. And then I was off.

My head hit the headrest and my eyes remained tightly shut.

Oh... The miracles of drugs.


When my eyes were pulling open, the sickening motions had already stopped and I felt as light as a feather. As if I were born anew.

A sweet sleep and also no motions from that sick vehicle as well as those rumbling sounds that hurt my ears. It was no wonder why I felt so happy now.

There was a faint voice of a man and I saw Roger standing with a phone on his ear and his brows scrunched up, a serious look donned his handsome and youthful face as he spoke occasionally, listened mostly. Separated from the door and window, I could clearly observe him, yet he had yet to know that I was already awake.

Finally when he hung up, he turned to the car and a look of surprise greeted me when he saw me awake and alive.

I smiled as I hopped out of the car and looked at the house. No, slash that. The mansion that I was meant to be calling home. This was dad's humble home that he had stayed in for who knows how long now. It is the place where I will be staying in from now on too.

Excited, I couldn't help but run to the doors that were opened widely by the security guards that protected the perimeter, taking my first step into the wondrous house.

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