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Sitting on the bench of the busy airport, I clutched my phone tightly and looked at those messages once again.

In our small group chat, everyone was sending their farewells as I thought back about their faces on that day.


As I told them about my plans to go abroad to extend my musical studies, their faces all carried a hint of sadness and worry.

"Will you be fine over there alone? You're still recovering!" Amelia came over to hold my hand.

"That's right. You can take things step by step." Bethany smiled as she looked at me softly.

They were careful with their words as they tried to persuade me to stay behind just like dad at the start. I was adamant to leave. I wanted to chase my dreams.

"I'm going to go. I've already decided." I smiled helplessly as I patted Amelia's hand. "I've finally gathered the courage to go. I just hope that you guys won't forget me so easily. Let's keep in contact okay?"

"Yeah! Let's text everyday!" Amelia said.

"No. Everyday? Make sure that it doesn't get too annoying." Edward said, turning his head away.

"We might as well text instead of talking when we're at our breaks." Ricky laughed mischievously, making the others laugh a little too.

"That's too much! Edward might leave the group chat." I intervened quickly.

I was glad that the light atmosphere in our small group was still here. They weren't angry and instead tried to look for a way for us to continue to stay in contact.

Well... There might be one person who was a little grumpy for some reason.

On our way home, as we walked, Edward was silent as he glanced at the sky nonchalantly but I could feel a little gloominess elude from his person.

"What's wrong?" I asked, admiring the red autumn leaves. "I'll... Be leaving soon."

"Exactly. You'll be gone soon." He replied lightly.

"Are you angry at my decision?"

"Why should I be? Do what you want to do."

"Hehe... I... You... I'd be happy if you'd miss me a little."

"A little is not enough."

"Hmm?" Turning to look at him, I thought that I was having auditory hallucinations. His cool face still without emotion as he turned to the side to gaze at the buildings this time.

"A year right?" He suddenly looked over. Nodding I looked back to him, his deep eyes pulling me further into the abyss. "I'll be waiting. When you come back, I have something to say to you."

Slightly surprised, I nodded.

Those words... Kind of sounded like...

Shaking my head roughly, I smiled lightly to myself. My delusions seem to be getting out of hand recently.

"Ariella." He called again. "I'll send you off."


The announcement chime rang out from ahead as I couldn't help but sigh in disappointment and grab onto my bag to get ready to go.

He didn't end up coming.

Alfie was a little hard to convince but slowly he couldn't help but to concede towards my pleading. If I didn't plead him to let me go, he would follow me. I wasn't kidding. The boy had full on packed a suitcase a few days before I was due to leave.

Then I knew I had to sit down to talk to him about why I had wanted him to stay behind, to accompany dad and to tell me about what has been happening whilst I was away. He also had his duties as a heir and couldn't enrol a performing arts school like me.

Dad and Alfie had already left the airport when I entered and gave me a set of instructions. Dad also said that he'd send someone over to take care of me. I guessed that it would be Queenie who was smiling too much recently about her opportunity to study design overseas.

It seemed that she would be coming in a later flight and will be crashing in my apartment that dad had prepared for me.

Thinking about that girl, I smiled. She was even more helpful than usual after that incident. We've also grown closer and she was more like a friend than a maid, and even with our relations, she didn't flaunt it and turn arrogant, but rather, worked even more diligently.

Plus the food she made was simply a masterpiece. Truly a talented girl, I wonder if she would teach me a few skills.

Pulling my suitcase along, I only had a small amount of luggage which was the daily necessities for a few days before everything else will be sent over later.

Dad was worried that everything would be too much for me to carry so he decided to send it by air later directly to the apartment.

Getting ready to enter first as I had a seat in the first class, I began to walk as someone grasped my hand heavily, making me stop.

"I'm sure that I said that I'll send you off. You're gunna leave without waiting for me?" A familiar deep voice complained softly in my ear, making my heart race and face flush.

Turning around quickly, I saw the handsome face looking at me with a raised brow.

"Edward! You actually came?" I asked excitedly. No wonder he wasn't responding on the group chat.

Suddenly he came closer and closer until our foreheads were touching, he's hands on both sides of my face as his breath fanned onto my face and the tips of our noses touching, making me forget to breath.

"You want more?" He asked seductively, making me gulp. "Then come back sooner."

After a moment, he stepped back and turned me around, pushing my back lightly.

"Go on. And come back, as a star." He said slowly.

Wanting to turn my head to look at him again, he quickly intervened.

"Don't turn back."

Keeping my head facing forwards, I didn't know what to say. My heart pounding so heavily.

"I'll see you later."

"I'll be back."

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