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I slowly opened my eyes as the slightly blurred figure of my dad was right before me.

"Are you awake now?" He asked with a small smile.

Nodding dazedly, I slowly got up from the bed, swinging my legs off the bed one at a time and standing up normally as I shuffled towards the bathroom, rubbing my eyes lightly.

My leg had slowly gained feeling and then eventually I was able to walk stably again.

Because I was able to walk, I immediately wanted to do something. Being confined at home without much to do was really boring. And although my friends did visit me, I wanted to go back to school as soon as possible.

My relationship with Alfie had gotten better, but I could feel some sort of barrier in between us now. He seemed to be extremely careful around me.

After waking up from the small episode, I did get a couple dizzy spells, but I didn't faint again, even so, experience tells me that I couldn't let my guard down. It could happen again without any warning.

Slipping on the familiar uniform, I walked down the stairs slowly to sit at the dining room for some cornflakes before Alfie and I prepared to walk to school like normal.

During the walk, he was more quiet than usual, making me unconsciously look towards the floor.

"Bethany and Amelia had been telling me about school ever now and then, I can't wait to go back!" I started as I ran a little to walk side by side with him. "You also gave me all the work, do you think I can fit in properly again?"

"Your whole class should have seen you carried away." Alfie quickly mentioned, making me freeze up.

"Ah... Yeah... Maybe they might change how they treat me as well..."

Once again, an awkward silence fell over us as I pursed my lips helplessly.


We both stopped in our tracks as he placed his hands on my shoulders, not showing me his face.

"Don't you think it's better to go back to being homeschooled?" Looking at me with his stern eyes, I saw that it was a little misty. "If we are at home, you can get help immediately when you need it. Outside... It's too dangerous!"

Holding his hand on my shoulder, I looked at him with a serious face.

"I can't live my life in a birdcage. You have to let me out, Alfie. I promise that I'll be more careful in whatever I do, so please. Let's go back. Go back to being good friends that would mess about outside. I'm not that fragile. I woke up, didn't I?"

Swallowing me up in a hug, I felt something warm drip onto my neck as he held onto me.

"Don't disappear again. Sis."

"Don't worry. We'll stay together. Me, you and dad. We are family after all."


Reaching the familiar school gates where the stream of students flowed in, Alfie gripped onto my sleeve as I smiled and held onto his arm, nodding at him.

All along, he had been scared for me, but he had to also let me take my own steps forward in my life.

Behind us, a black car came to a stop as Edward stepped out, finding us immediately and walking towards us.

"You're here?" He asked lightly as I nodded back. "Well? Let's go in. Do you still remember the way to class?" He jokingly said as he began to let us in.

"My memory isn't that bad!"

After taking the first step through the gates some eyes turned towards me as I ignored the curious gazes and walked on with a light smile.

Ricky was waiting inside as he was playing on his phone. When he saw us, he cheerily waved and let out a toothy smile.

"Alfie leave her to us." He said as we approached the stairs. In the end, we were in different classes so no matter how reluctant he looked, he had to go.

"As I thought!" Alfie started.

"Nope." I quickly shot him down.

I knew that he was going to suggest homeschooling again.

"Do you not trust Edward and Ricky? They'll be with me and call you whenever anything is wrong like last time, so please go to class." I calmly said with a voice that didn't allow any objections.

He drooped his head as he began to trudge towards his class.

"Alfie." Edward called out. "We will be waiting at the entrance after school. If you're worried, come up to us at break and lunch."

Alfie's expression softened a little as he nodded and walk to class quickly.

"Well then, we'll head to class as well." Ricky said, pushing me a little on my back. "Is your leg feeling okay?"

Nodding, the three of us went towards the classroom and met with Amelia and Bethany inside the class, as well as a couple gazes.

I suppose they wanted to know what had happened, as it was human nature to be curious. But I didn't really have the intention of opening up to every single one of my classmates. My closest friends were enough.

Taking a seat, I did whatever I used to do with a sense of nostalgia. It really felt good to be back in society.

At home, there wasn't this cheerful and loud atmosphere. I was alone.

Some people may look at me weirdly for saying this, but I really love school in the end.

During the breaks and lunch, Alfie really did appear but he seemed more at ease and he could talk to me easier than before, although he would be reluctant to leave at the end of the half an hour breaks.

Seeing his leaving figure, I couldn't help but smile.

I really wanted to see that boy who was always cheerful back by my side. Hopefully he would get better and become familiar with our carefree lives again.

I'm willing to wait. For time to heal his wounds.

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