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Edward's PoV

Following behind Mr Peter who was carrying the unconscious Ariella, a sense of panic and worry welled up within me.

That girl, from the moment that I had met her, I had always been intrigued with her. Although it wasn't too strong yet, a definite sense of concern came up for her.

Amelia had went running to Alfie's class already as our teacher placed her gently on the bed as he told me to look over her quickly as he went to get the headteacher.

The way things proceeded was very weird. It was as if they had known that she may faint in advance.

I sat down beside the bed as the school nurse briefly checked over her with a frown and the headteacher and Alfie burst in at the same time. Alfie was on his phone, calling someone, presumably their father.

"Sis fainted! I don't know she was outside and her friend even said that they thought she was sleeping! No, we're waiting for the ambulance. Ok! Hurry and come!" Hanging up, Alfie rushed to the bedside and looked at his sister that was getting paler.

Surprisingly I saw a couple tears fall from his eyes as he fell on his knees, holding his sister's hand.

Patting his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him, I tried to say a few words.

"I'm sure it will be fine, she has been pretty energetic this morning. It'll be okay. Don't feel so down." I said softly as I helped the crying boy onto the seat that I was sitting on, keeping my hands on his shoulders.


His words shocked everyone in the room as the loud voice echoed throughout the corridor where there was a silence right after.

"Headteacher, the ambulance is here." The receptionist timidly entered, with two medics holding a stretcher.

Alfie followed the two people that carried the unconscious sleeping girl away and the blares of the siren rang out loudly, then faded in the distance.

"What did he mean?" Bethany's shaking voice called out in the silence. "Was she in a coma? Eight years?"

"Students. I hope that all of you don't spread this matter about." The headteacher said as he frowned and walked out.

Bethany's words couldn't help but echo within my ears as I frowned even deeper.

Eight years... Coma...

A memory flashed past my eyes as that vague figure in hospital clothing came into view.

That small notebook bound my the bright red string as that girl sat on the hospital bed, looking sickly pale yet energetic.

Her hair was abnormally long, probably reaching her ankles as her bright green eyes shone with vitality.

... Ariella?


Third Person's PoV

As the girl was wheeled into the private hospital, frantic footsteps accompanied her as Alfie was in a miserable state, tears running down freely down his misty green eyes.

He was overwhelmed with the strong sense of despair as he followed his unconscious sister along the cold hospital corridor, remembering about the small memories that they had made ever since she had woken.

At the start, he was slightly afraid of his adopted father's biological daughter. Maybe she would despise him for taking her spot in all those years that she was asleep in. But slowly, he understood that the girl seemed to have no dark feelings at all.

Her pure personality stuck back in when she was a child. A person who knew nothing about the darkness of the world. A naive child.

As she was wheeled into the check up room, he was barred outside as they began various tests, hooking on various wires onto her body as he simply slumped onto the ground.

A moment later, the clutter of running footsteps came closer as Matthew Ignes helped his son up onto the nearby seat and looked anxiously at the door.

It seemed as if the world had went monochrome for a moment for the pair of father and son, their anxiety soaring.


Within the white room, the lights were blinding as a single girl lay sleeping, various instruments hooked onto her body as a rhythmic sound periodically called out.

On the other side of the glass, the solemn man stood silently as he watched the person on the other side, gripping his hand on the glass.

Alfie was already sent back early to rest as he had school tomorrow. Although it was almost inhuman to send the boy back to school in his state whilst his sister lay on a hospital bed, the boy himself insisted to go to school properly. On behalf of his sister too.

He swore that when his sister woke up again, he would fill her in about the days that she had missed at school.

Maybe she will wake up tomorrow or the day after, it was all unknown but throughout the night, she didn't move an inch, not even a twitch on her finger had moved.

Stumbling back a couple steps, Matthew fell onto the seat as there was a blanket, laptop and a couple documents laid out messily. His mind couldn't focus on a single word as he had been staring at that single girl for a couple hours already.

Within a few moments, his world had once again sunk within the darkness. Without warning.

Holding his head, he couldn't peel his eyes off the girl that was so energetic and vibrant not long ago. It hadn't even been a full day, yet her complexion had an abrupt change as those peachy cheeks were dyed white.

He truly felt worn out.

He wasn't able to protect her properly.

Now he knew that loneliness was a horrible emotion.

He knew that happiness was short lived.

He knew the fragility of life.

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