Chapter 1 Adopted & Intro

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Your name is Sebastian Knight. Your an average 11 yr old boy that lives in a orphanage.
Your a very antisocial person and never talk to anyone. School is hell for you are a big target for bullies. But your adorable with short blonde curly hair, and those chubby cheeks which are just adorable!
You get picked on by everyone even the boys at the orphanage. You many or may not have anger issues and can get real angry real fast but don't let it show.

You refuse to do a lot of things like sit still, stay quiet but you have learned your lesson by getting punished by the headmaster. The punishments are hell. For example cleaning disgusting bathrooms and kitchens and other horrible things.

One thing that you hate the most is when the orphanage schedules those 6 month cleanings for you. You always have to be restrained even for a simple checkup.
Nitrous Oxide makes it easy for you but they don't always give it to you when you want it... it's like your chill gas to calm your down

God will it be hell when your adopted by one of the towns famous dentists.... Dr. Shaun Wolfe and his assistant Devon Wolfe

Your walking back to the Orphanage from School which is hell. You are very antisocial. You get to the Orphanage and you are greeted by the headmaster...Miss Wilford.

"Hello Sebastian" She says in a half hearted way
"Yes? Do you need anything" I ask her

"You are getting adopted" she said and pointed to the two unfamiliar faces next to her.

You peer at the two men "uh hi" I say shyly

"Hi Sebastian I am Shaun Wolfe your New foster dad" Shaun the taller man said

"And I am Devon Wolfe his son" he says
And kneels down and puts his hand out for a hot five.

You lift your eyebrow then look at Devon. Then at Shaun in worry.
"Hey it's okay bud we are gonna give you the best life" Shaun says trying to cheer you up.

You smile a teeny bit. "All your stuff is together in the corner" Miss. Wilford said

You look to the corner and grab your stuff.
"I'm ready" I say to Shaun and Devon

"I already gave them your medical records and let them fill out other stuff so go right ahead Goodbye Sebastian" Miss Wilford said

Devon comes up to me "you need a hand with those bags Sebastian?" He asked

I hand him one of my heaviest bags which Devon gladly accepts. Then continued to their car which is a blue Jeep then put my stuff in the car and helped me into the car and closed the door as Shaun got in driver seat and Devon in passenger seat.
They started the car and started driving we passed a dental office which gave me the shivers I'm glad I don't have to deal with them anytime soon.

We pulled into a driveway 10 min later and into the garage. They helped me with my stuff and unlocked the house and we headed in.

A dog came rushing up to me and sniffed me
"Who's this" I ask

"Oh that's Lulu our golden retriever" Shaun said

"Hi lulu" I say to the dog. Lulu licked my face and I chuckled.

"Well let me show you your room then we can get settled in" Devon said starting to walk toward the staircase then I followed him up the stairs.

He opens a door upstairs which looks like an average bedroom and said "this is your room" he said

I walked in and set my stuff in.
I got a double bed with a blue comforter, a wardrobe a desk a dresser with a tv and many other amazing things i even had my own bathroom. I'm gonna enjoy life

Shaun and Devon set the rest of my stuff down in my room. Man I'm gonna enjoy living here.
I sat on my bed which was really comfy. Then I laid down in the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"Well I'll be downstairs cooking what do you like to eat Sebastian?" Shaun asks me

I lift my head up "Well I like homemade chicken fingers and fries" I say

"I'll make that then" he said as he and Devon exited the room and left me alone in the room.then I got up and explored the rest of the upstairs I guess I found one of their rooms and found blue scrubs and stuff I guess they worked in the medical field. I headed back out of the room and walked around upstairs

20 min later

"Dinners done" Shaun yells up the stairs.

"Coming!" I say as I speed walked down the stairs then went to the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Shaun gave me a plate of chicken fingers and fries. "Looks good Shaun" I say

"Thank you Sebastian don't worry we'll take you shopping Tommorow for new stuff" he says

Devon came down and joined us and I asked a few questions.

"Where do you guys work" I ask

"A dental office" Shaun said

"Are u a dentist?" I ask

"Yes and Devon's my assistant" Shaun said

My heart started racing. Was I living with Dentists?

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