Chapter 3:Dragon of Earth:Toph

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Toph was sitting on her bed in her room, the only place where she could get away from overbearing parents, who thought her too frail and defenseless to be alone in the house. But they allowed her to be in her room alone, since it was the safest place for her in the whole Beifong Estate, a large estate just outside of Xia Kao Dai, the capital city of Zhong.
She hated being smothered by her parents. It made her feel like a baby, even though she was seven years old. She just wanted them to stop smothering her and treating her like a defenseless baby.
Then a idea hit her: If she couldn't get her parents to stop smothering her then she would just have to run away.
She pushed herself off her bed and reached out and grabbed the bed post. She steadied herself and then turned in the direction of her bedroom door.
Then taking a deep, calming breath she took a step forward with her hands out in front of her. She took another step forward, wobbling.
When she felt her finger tips brush the smooth, wooden doors, she ran her hands up and down the smooth, wooden doors till her hands brushed the cool metal looped handles. Once she had a grip on the handles, she placed her ear against the wooden door and listened for the soft sound of breathing. When she heard none she gently eased the door open a little ways and squeezed out the small opening and then gently shut the door.
Then placing her hand on the wall, she walked along the wall in the direction of the front door of the mansion.
When she got to the mansion's front door she opened it and was free by a cool breeze, which made her guess it was the middle of the night. Exiting the mansion she walked in the direction of the gates, since there was a wall built around her family's estate to keep thieves and other unwanted attention out.
When she got to the gates she felt for the large, long piece of wood that held the gates shut. Her fingers brushed a hard, rough texture, that she assumed was the beam holding the doors shut. She found the end of the heavy beam and pushed on it till after ten minutes of shoving the beam did it finally fall out of it's holder.
Then grabbing the metal ring on one of the doors, she tugged at it till she felt the heavy door move towards her. The door moved enough for her to squeeze out. Once she was out she grabbed the metal ring and pulled on it till she heard it click back in place with the other one.
Then turning around, she walked off in a random direction, not knowing where her bare feet would take her.

Sandstone's POV
   Sandstone was resting in a cave out in the middle of nowhere, far away from the SandWing sisters, Burn, Blister, and Blaze. She had been from them for the past ten years, who sought to form an alliance with her tribe, the SwiftWings, who left their kingdom ten years ago to get away from the war brewing between the tribes that the SandWing sister caused when their mother, Queen Oasis, was killed by three scavengers ten years ago. If any of the SandWing sister's caught her then they would torture her till she gave up the location of the SwiftWing tribe; which she didn't know where her tribe was hiding because she and her mate got separated from the main wing of dragons led by Queen Sunray to their new home till the end of this wretched war.
She and her mate had bounced from place to place, trying to figure out where their tribe had fled to. Her mate had sadly been killed in a Skirmish two years ago when they got caught by Burn's alliance: the SkyWings. A small group of SkyWings had dropped out of the sky, while they were traveling to a new place just outside SkyWing territory, and attacked them, attempting to capture them, but her mate had scarified his life so she and their unlaid egg could get away.
She had fled from the scene of the fight as fast as she could fly, and continued bouncing place to place in search for her tribe, but a year ago she had to stop when she laid her egg. She had stayed in the spot she was in now, waiting for her egg to hatch; which her egg was about a week from hatching, and she was determined to keep her dragonet safe. But her injuries from the fight and laying her egg had left her so weak that she only had enough energy to hunt once a week and get a drink of water from a nearby stream every couple days. There was no way she could care for her dragonet and herself in her current state.
She lifted her head and turned her long, feather head to look at her pale grey egg nestled between her tail and back leg. She just wanted to give her, she was pretty sure that her dragonet would be a girl, her best chance even if it meant sacrificing her own life so her daughter could live a long, happy life, far from harm.
Laying her head back down on the cold stone floor an idea suddenly struck her while she had been pondering on how to protect her dragonet: The Riders. The Riders would surely accept a dragon egg, since from what she last heard about them was that they were low in numbers. Then there were the rumors from the SeaWings that they saw a MudWing and her Rider saving a SwiftWing dragonet and his Rider. So it was possible that the Riders were still alive and in hiding after the war with the Forsworn and their demon dragons that terrorized all the tribes into hiding after many vicious attacks and murders of the old and young dragons and the smashing of dragon eggs.
The only problem she has with her idea was: she didn't know where the Riders were and her egg was about a week away from hatching. There was no way she could find them even if she managed to gather enough strength to fly all over the continent called Zhong.
Facing the awful truth, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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