Chapter 35:Possession:Toph

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All Toph could remember before she felt an unknown force seize control of her mind was screaming at Moray, and going up to her room, and being overwhelmed by the unimaginably strong entity.
It forced her to trap Moray when he came to apologize to her about what he said. The thing made her make sharp stalactites that slowly started to descent on him.
When Ermine, Riptide, and Snowdrift started to come to Moray's aid, the thing made her place a slab of stone over the staircase; she actually made the slab go slower on purpose to try and buy Ermine, Snowdrift, and Riptide some time to get to Moray's side. The good thing is the entity possessing her didn't seem to notice.
Her plan worked. Ermine managed to get to the top before the slab closed shut on the other two dragons.
While all this was going on Terra tried to help her resist the spirit-thing's will. It just made the thing possessing her madder.
When the thing in control of her body became preoccupied with Ermine's attempts to free Moray. She and Terra strained against the spirit's iron grip. Their determination was the only thing that drove them from wanting to stop this thing from hurting Ermine and Moray. Even if Moray said a few mean things. He didn't do it on purpose to hurt her.
   Then the thing in control of her used her like a puppet to send the stalactites back up into the ceiling and free Moray and get rid of the slab; she had no idea why it made her do that.
   Then the unknown entity made her exit her room by literally destroying her door with a giant chuck of rock.
   She exited her room to face the two boys and their dragons.
   The boys were still sprawled on the ground from the rock she unwilling sent flying over their heads.
   She wanted to yell at them to run away and get the Elders, so they could knock her. She didn't want to hurt anyone else. But she couldn't find the words. The thing possessing her had control over all her actions. If it made her jump off a cliff then there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening.
   But instead of running away like any sensible person. They stayed where they were on the floor.
   Ermine waved his hand at her, sending a wave of bright, sparkling ice her way that was the complete opposite of the beautiful stuff it looked to be.
   The thing made her pull up a stone wall from the floor either to protect itself or the both of them; she didn't know. All she knew was a little ice got past her wall and connected with her left forearm. Her whole body went into shock at the frigid ice.
   The next thing she knew she was on her knees screaming in agony from the ice, while cradling her injured arm against her chest.
   The shock from the ice must have caused enough pain to allow her to take control temporally; it must have been the overwhelming connect with the ice that caused the thing to lose control.
   Through her agonized screams she thought she could hear Ermine apologizing for what he had done. She honestly didn't care as long as it let her remain in control.
   She didn't know why she did this, but a insane laughter started to emit from her throat, like she knew something funny the boys didn't. The worst part was hearing the unknown entity possessing her use her voice and some of its own original voice mixed together to talk the boys. She didn't catch any of the conversation because she was too preoccupied with it the cold numbing pain in her left arm. It felt like she was starting to lose feeling in her arm.
   Then came the blessed silence of her own mind and thoughts when Terra smacked her across the the back of her head. Knocking her out so she wasn't forced do anymore harm to them. She had a feeling the thing that had been possessing her had hurt them all in more than one way.

   A few hours later she woke up in the Hospital Wing.
   She still remembered everything that had happened earlier that day.
   She sat up, her head throbbing in pain with the large bump on the back of her head where Terra hit her with her tail.
   "Are you Toph right now?" Terra asked her mentally.
   "Yes. I swear on your mother's grave," she told Terra, bringing up her mother to show Terra one thing Toph would know.
   "I believe you. I also don't sense that strange presence in your mind any more."
   "So you are saying this thing that was in my mind is gone now?" She asked Terra, hoping to Jhi that the thing was gone from her mind.
   "I think so. You'll have to ask Valka. Oh, and Ermine, Snowdrift, Moray, and Riptide are here to see how you are doing. And don't worry they do not blame you for what happened. Right now Moray blames himself for what he said about you. That may because of some of the things I've said to him."
"What did you say to him?"
"Nothing that wasn't true." She responded.
"It doesn't matter anymore. Anyways it's in the past now, so let's stop bringing it up. Now be polite and go have a nice friendly talk with Ermine and Moray in peace."
Toph was about to say something else when she was interrupted by the sound of doors swinging open and the footfalls of two pairs of leather boots.
"How are you feeling Toph?" She heard Ermine's usual caring, compassionate voice.
Terra had apparently lent her some vision because she saw Ermine looked sad about something. He had tried to cover it up with his kind words and strained smile, but it looked like it was killing him to retain his composure.
"Good," she answered. "I'm so sorry for what happened earlier. Especially to you, Moray. As well as what Terra said to both of you."
She noticed Ermine stayed quiet after he spoke to her. He seemed to be in his own little world at the moment. One moment he was looking at the ground, the next outside the window.
"It's okay. I've probably deserved all of what you and Terra said to me. I'd said some pretty mean things that you didn't deserve. I hope you can forgive me for all I've done." Moray sincerely apologized.
"You're fine. I'm the one who should be doing all the heart-felt apologies, not you. After all I'm the one who did the most damage."
"I started it, so I'm the one to blame." He countered back.
She was starting to become annoyed that Moray wouldn't let her take the blame. The same was with Moray.
"No, I'm responsible for getting so mad and letting my emotions take control of my actions!" She exclaimed, determined for some reason to be right as well as who hurt who the most.
"No—," Moray was cutoff by Ermine, who was actually making it snow inside. Did he have an elemental ability like her? She remembered him waving his arm at her, sending a wave of ice her way, which ended up landed on her forearm.
It was then while she was on the subject that she noticed that her left forearm was in a cauldron if warm water. She didn't even notice when she woke up. The warm water had chased away all the ice that had been on her left arm.
"That's enough out of both of you!" Ermine yelled at them. The flurry of snow in the room turned into a mini blizzard of ice and snow.
Ice stung her cheeks as she watch perplexed as the mini blizzard swirled around in the Hospital Wing. Ice started to coat the windows and every surface in the room.
"You both need to stop fighting! You have no idea what could have happened if that thing inside Toph's head made her speed up the stalactites! You two are fighting just like the Forsworn! You-you have no idea what Galbatorix and his Forsworn are capable of ir the bad the things they've done!" Ermine broke down. Hot tears rolled his miserable face full of despair.
The door opened again and two people rushed inside. A woman with red-brown hair and sea colored eyes, who Toph immediately recognized as Valka, the Riders' healer. The other person was about eleven years old. She had jet black hair like Ermine and such light ice blue eyes they almost looked like a silver-ice color with just a hint of ice blue mixed in. She could have easily passed for Ermine's sister if she wasn't already.
Valka rushed over to her and Moray, and did her best to protect them from the roaring snowstorm. Terra and Riptide did their best to help protect them as well.
While Valka ave the dragons did that, the girl and her dark purple dragon along with Snowdrift did their best to calm Ermine down, and hopefully stop this mini blizzard.
She saw the older girl cup Ermine's face, and touch his forehead with her own. The girl's mouth started moving as if she was trying to comfort and calm him down.
What ever the girl did to calm Ermine down it worked.
The blizzard stopped swirling and all that remained if the blizzard's existence was the snow and ice that littered the room.
"I'm going to take Ermine back to his room, Valka."' The girl told Valka.
Leaning Ermine's weight on herself, the girl and Ermine left the room with the dragons.
Walking away from them, Valka went to the center of the room, and muttered a few words under her breath and just like that the snow and ice disappeared like it never existed in the first place.
"There, now that that is take care of let's get you taken care of," Valka said, walking over to her.
Valka took her arm out of the cauldron.
"Can you feel your fingers or forearm?" Valka asked her, evident concern in her voice and expression.
She moved her fingers a few times to get the blood flowing back down to her arm.
The only thing that hurt was her forearm. The skin on her forearm felt raw like someone had rubbed sandpaper against it.
Once she had the blood circulation flowing again in her left arm and fingers she nodded to Valka, explaining the condition of her arm feeling raw.
Valka went over to a cabinet and grabbed a thick clothed and some bandages, and returned back to her side.
Taking the cloth, Valka gingerly wrapped her forearm in the warm, soft material. Valka used the bandages to keep the cloth from unraveling.
"Good as new," Valka said. "You both may return to your common room." Valka dismissed them. "And Toph if your arm is still bothering you tomorrow please come see me." Valka told her.
She nodded at Valka's words, and left with Terra, Moray, and Riptide.
They walked back up to the common room in complete, utter silence. Each of them too deep in their own thoughts to accept each other's company.
When they got to the common room, they found it eerily silent. So they decided to go their own rooms, and not disturb Ermine and his possible mysterious family member.

P.S. Hope you all enjoying the story so far

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