Chapter 31:Return of The Demon:Moray

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   It was two days after Moray and Riptide made it to the old NightWing City. Today was the day the Riders were suppose to come and get him and Riptide.
   He was passing time by messing with a small chunk of black marble when Riptide's ears pricked up and his head shot up. His dark blue eyes scanning the old throne room for any signs of danger.
   Then without warning Riptide silently tore across the room towards him. Riptide grabbed him in his talons and wrapped his wings protectively around him, and rolled under the round, neatly carved black marble table.
   Riptide unwrapped his wings from around him, but held him protectively against his chest.
   "What's going—,"
   "Shh." Riptide silenced him. "Don't say a word. Someone is here, and I don't think it is the Riders."
   "Are you sure?" He asked hopefully, hoping to Mulop he was wrong.
   "Yes. Now shh." Riptide confirmed.
   He quieted when he heard the fall of soft footsteps on the black marble floor.
   He saw black leather boots appear in his line of vision.
   The person walked around in the throne room for a few minutes, clearly looking for any sign him and Riptide.
   He held his breath as the person was walking by the table.
   Then the person stopped.
   He felt Riptide go stiff beside him. His muscles tense like he was ready to pounce on whatever looked under the table.
   Then the boots started moving again and he heard the person disappear from the throne room.
   He let out the breath he had been holding in as Riptide's muscles slackened in relief.
   Then the table was thrown against the wall, cracking right down the middle.
   He looked behind him to see who or what had thrown the table against the wall.
   It was the demon. He had tracked him all the way here.
   He was frozen with fear as those piercing, insane amber-brown eyes gazed into his.
   Riptide untangled himself from Moray, and pounced at the demon, tackling him to the ground. Riptide viciously snipped wildly at the demon's head, trying to rip off his head.
   "Run and hide! I'll find you later!" Riptide commanded him.
   He was still frozen with fear as Riptide still attempted to kill the demon.
   There was a flash of silver and the demon stabbed Riptide at the base of his neck, near where his wing connected with his shoulder; the demon didn't hit any major arteries.
   Riptide roared in pain.
   Riptide's roar shocked him so much that he bolted straight up and ran for the twisting labyrinth of corridors.
   He heard the demon kick Riptide off, and pound after him.
   He pounded through the labyrinth of corridors, losing the demon temporarily.
   He searched the identical walls for a room to hide in.
   He found one on the right side of the wall, and rushed into it. He slammed the doors shut, locking them. He grabbed a wooden beam and put in its slot in front of the door, hoping that it would be enough to keep the demon out. But just to be safe, he pushed a heavy chest in front of the double doors.
   Once he was done with that, he looked for an escape rout incase the demon came looking for him. But to his dismay there was no way out. He locked himself in an escape less room with only one way in and out.
   He started looking for any hiding places incase the demon broke in to the room.
   He looked all over the room, finding absolutely no place to hide. The only place that was even in question was the large tapestry that hung to the bottom of the floor. Although, it wasn't the best hiding place. The demon would see him right away. But if he put things in front of the tapestry and hid behind them underneath the tapestry then he just might have a chance.
   He walked over to the worn tapestry to see how much room he might have to hide behind the tapestry. But to his surprise when he pulled it to the side he found a small staircase, barely big enough for a dragon about twice the size of Manta, Ritide's deceased mother.
   This was his way to escape.
   A loud bang against the door startled him.
   He looked back at the door and saw the demon hit it again. The door moving forwards a little bit. Its hinges groaning in protest as they struggled not to break after being ignored in maintenance for a very long time.
   "Moray," the demon said slowly, his voice sounding eerie. "Open the door Moray. Let me in." The demon said, tempting him to open the door at the demon's slick, smooth convincing words.
   Thinking about the harm this monster inflicted on Riptide. He ignored the demon's smooth words, and quietly ran up the stairs.
   He heard an explosion as the demon broke open the doors.
   The metallic clang of the tapestry rod hitting the floor made him run faster.
   He heard the soft footsteps of the demon as he sprinted up the stairs after him.
   He saw light up ahead, and ran even faster towards the light. Desperate to get away from the demon chasing him.
   As he neared the light, he felt a cold hand grab his ankle and pull him down. He crashed on the hard stone steps, bruising his chin and rattling his teeth and skull on impact.
   "I've got you now little boy." The demon said wickedly.
   He kicked his free led at the demon's hand, while trying to climb up the steps towards the light.
   He felt the demon pull him down towards him, while Moray did everything he could to prevent himself from being dragged down to the demon.
   While he was trying to find something to hold onto, his hand brushed something cold and metal.
   Grasping it in one hand, he rolled onto his back and sent the pointy tapestry rod through the demon's eye.
   The demon yelled a blood curdling scream and reeled in pain, clutching his injured eye.
   Moray jumped to his feet and ran towards the light. Only to find himself at the top of a tower, overlooking the forest splayed our before him like a map. A small river rushed by, disappearing in to the tropical trees before reappearing where the river ran into the ocean.
   The slow footsteps of the demon drew his attention back to the entrance to the top of the tower.
   "You're dead, Moray." The demon said murderously, a demonic gleam in his remaining eye.
   He looked at the demon's empty eye socket where he had stabbed out the demon's eye. Bright red blood still dropped from the empty, black eye socket.
   He took a step back towards the tower wall.
   The demon glared at him with hatred, although glaring at him with just one eye made him want to run away screaming more than when he had two eyes.
   The demon made a step towards him.
   His instincts kicking in, he jumped on the wall and jumped off the tower, hoping to all the Great Beast he fell in the river and that he didn't miss it. And that the river was deep enough so that he didn't hit the bottom of he river.
   The air rushed in his face as he neared the rushing, swampy looking water.
   He didn't know if he was going to survive the hundred foot or more fall.
Forgive me Riptide and mother and father if I do not survive. He thought to his loved ones.
   If he did not survive then he would die the same way Fallyn did. Falling/jumping from a high height.
I hope to see you in the afterlife sister. His last thought was before he hit the river and pain exploded throughout his whole body.

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