Chapter 19:The Visitor:Toph

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   Toph was asleep in her bed when she heard something tapping on her window.
   She quickly sat up. Her pulse racing as the unknown thing continued tapping on her window.
Tap tap tap.
   There it was again. It sounded like something was tapping on her window from the outside, like a tree branch, but there were no trees close enough to her window to tap on it.
   She didn't know what it was. All she knew was that the tapping noise was sending chills down her spine till she felt goosebumps all over her arms and legs.
   She shivered and pulled the blankets up around her, trying to make the goosebumps go away.
   Then she felt something—wait, not something, someone. She felt the baby dragon touch her mind.
   It comforted her knowing that the baby dragon came all this way for her.
   "Toph, open the window so that I may come in." She heard a feminine say in her head.
   "You can talk?!" She exclaimed. "I mean I've heard stories but I never knew they were true." She said to the baby dragon.
   "Yes I can, and most of the stories you've heard are mostly true. And my name is Terra, not 'baby dragon'!" Terra said forcefully when she mentioned her name, clearly not liked being called 'baby dragon'.
   "Ok. Hi Terra." She waved at Terra, although she couldn't see her, she just tried her best. "Did your mother name you?" She asked, curious to where she got her name from.
   "Yes, and my mother prefers being called by her real name: Sandstone. She would prefer it much better than being called 'dragon' or 'mother dragon'. Now about this stupid piece of clear thing in front of my face that prevents me from getting into your wooden cave."
   "But I can't see." She felt like a pathetic excuse of a Dragon Rider since she couldn't see.
   "You are not pathetic. Besides I have a feeling that we will make a formidable team in the future." Terra said, some of Toph's confidence and fire returning. "As for your sight I will be your eyes. Now, open your mind fully to mine and I will be able to help you see your way to the window." Terra continued, making Toph believe herself.
   Pushing off the covers, she closed her eyes and fully opened her mind, emptying every thought currently in her mind. She felt her mind collide with Terra's, and their minds melded together till their thoughts become one and they felt like one being.
   She opened her eyelids, and she could see the faint outlines of all the objects in her room.
   It felt like someone healed her other blindness.
   Joy overfilled as she could see things for real thanks to Terra.
   "Thank you," She said to Terra as tears of joy rolled down her cheeks.
   "You are welcome, but this does not last forever since it requires energy to hold this spell. Now can you please open the window?" Terra explained, dampening her spirits a little, but not enough to put her in despair.
   She nodded, and got out of her bed, using her new temporary sight to go to the window.
   She opened her window, letting in the stone-grey dragon with bright earth green feathers on her head and tail and stripes running down her sides.
   Terra jumped into her arms once she got the window open.
   Terra hummed in her throat, and snuggled into her arms.
   She smiled and started stroking Terra's soft plumage.
   Toph yawned, and went back to her bed and laid down, Terra humming happily on her stomach.
   Her temporary vision flickered as the spell that was allowing her to see was starting to end.
   "I'm sorry," Terra said, sensing her sadness. "Toph that I can't restore your vision completely, but the spell only last as long as how much energy I have, which isn't very much since I am still young." Terra explained.
   "It's ok. I'm just glad because you allowed me to be able to see, even if it was just for a little bit." She said to Terra, her temporary vision faded and all she saw was the pitch black darkness that she was use to seeing daily.
   Terra licked her cheek with her warm, wet tongue, comforting her.
   "Now go to sleep my Rider, for we have many things to learn tomorrow since you do not have that infuriating thing called 'class'." Terra said to her, making her wonder what they were going to be doing tomorrow.
   "What are we doing tomorrow?" She asked.
   "You will have to wait and see." Terra said wryly, making Toph think Terra was smiling right now.
   "What is it?" She asked, frustrated that Terra wouldn't tell her anything. She hated surprises because she couldn't see what was going on around her, and of course you got those idiotic people who jump out from behind you and scare the living daylights out of you.
   "You have to wait."
   Toph groaned in frustration.
   "Don't sound so frustrated. Save that for tomorrow because you will wish you never wanted to know what we are doing tomorrow." Terra said to her, her words actually convincing her to stop asking about what they were going to do tomorrow.
   Closing her eyes, she fell into a shallow sleep, aware of all the things going on around her: the sound of the wind blowing through the trees, Terra's breathing as her small chest rose and fell against her stomach, and her very own breathing. All those noises finally put her in a deep sleep.

P.S. Hope you're all enjoying.
   The story should be back on track now. Thank you all for dealing with my mistake I made in getting the POVs out of order.

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