Chapter 21:The Third Attempt:Moray

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   It was a day after his father's whipping.
   His father had woke up that morning, disoriented where he was at.
   Rakin had treated his father's lashes, and then made his father go back to sleep.
   Moray had left after that, unable to wait any longer in the healers' hut, waiting for his father to wake back up.
   He went to the small cove, Riptide following him as well.
   When he got to the cove, after climbing down the steep, rocky cliff, Riptide went swimming, while he skipped smooth, flat stones across the cove's clear, reflective surface.
   After about half an hour of being down by the cove, he thought he heard the soft crunch of sand and the sound of metal being drawn.
   He turned around, and saw Timote and Piri standing ten feet away from him with wicked looking daggers.
   "What are you two doing?!" He exclaimed at the two twins.
   He would have though they would have sent their goon-friends to do their dirty work.
   "What do you think?" Timote said with a smear on his face.
   He took a hesitant step back, trying not to show any fear, or he might give the twins more of an upper hand, since he didn't have anything to defend himself with.
   "Is the little boy thinking about running away like a coward?" Piri asked, a wicked grin on his face as he readjusted his grip on his foot long dagger so that the dagger pointed directly at Moray's chest.
   He swallowed nervously, preparing himself for the fight that was about to start any second.
   He reached out to Riptide, but before he could ask for help, Piri came running at him; his dagger gleaming like silver in the morning sunlight.
   He kicked sand up in Piri's face as he approached.
   Piri yelled in agony as the sand flew up into his eyes.
   Piri stumbled forward, slashing wildly as if trying to kill Moray by pure luck.
   He side stepped Piri as he stumbled towards him. But he wasn't very lucky in evading the razor sharp blade. The blade sliced through his right bicep. His arm started throbbing with pain as hot crimson blood started running down his right arm.
   He wasn't prepared for the second attack.
   Timote ran at him and lunged towards his chest with the dagger ready to sink into his chest.
   As the dagger slowly made its way closer to his chest, he knocked Timote's arm away with his arm with surprising speed.
   Instead of sinking into his chest, the dagger sunk into the area underneath where his shoulder bone meet his collar bone.
   He roared in pain, and he kicked Timote eight feet away with surprising strength.
   Timote landed hard on the ground and struggled to get back up on his feet.
   Piri ran over to his twin brother, and helped him up.
   Both princes glared back at him with hatred as another one of their plans failed yet again to kill him.
   His shoulder and bicep still throbbing, he moved towards them, a deep hatred for them burning inside him.
   The twins looked back in defiance, but then their eyes widened in fear, and they started backing up in fear.
   Timote pointed, and stumbled, "L-l- leviathan!" Then they turned around and ran towards the cliff, screaming: "Monster!" "Leviathan!" "Mommy!" "Daddy!" "Help!" Those last three were the funniest things he had ever heard come from those twos mouths before.
   Laughing to himself, he turned around, and instead of expecting to see Riptide, he saw a twenty foot tall dragon with dark blue-grey scales and blue-white under scales standing behind him. Its gill fluttering as if it was mad at him for no reason.
   He took a few small steps back, but the dragon made no move to attack him. It looked like it was examining him, determine if he was prey or just something to terrify.
   The dragon bent down its long, thick neck, and smelled him, its hot breath ruffling his hair.
   He held perfectly still, afraid that the slightest movement would make the dragon decide to eat or kill him.
   He felt the dragon sniff around the dagger still embedded in his shoulder.
   He was afraid the dragon might actually eat him now because it had smelled his blood.
   Instead of eating him like he expected, the dragon started licking his wound like a mother.
Then it hit him.
Maybe this dragon was Riptide's mother. It made since because on the day he bonded with Riptide after the twins threw him off the cliff, something saved him and put him in the same cave as Riptide's egg.
" this your mother?" He asked Riptide, hoping he was out in the cove listening.
He felt a shudder of feeling go between their bond as he sensed Riptide racing through the water to the shore.
He waited along with the mothering dragon licking his shoulder and bicep.
When Riptide got there, Moray felt a rush of love towards the motherly dragon from his bond with Riptide.
Riptide walked up to the blue-grey dragon, and growled softly at her, like he was talking to her.
The mother dragon responded back with small growls, her attention only on Riptide.
After about ten minutes of conversing, Riptide finally told him about the conversation.
"Her name is Manta and she placed me in that cave to keep me safe from a war that had started between the tribes ten years ago. She planned on visiting my egg when she had the chance to leave again to check up on my egg, which she claimed I was to hatch in a few months if you hadn't interfered by bonding with me. But she isn't mad at you. She thinks it will be better for me to be raised by the Dragon Riders, so that they can keep us safe from this war going on. And she'll let me stay with you, but she does expect occasional visits about every few months." Riptide finished.
   "Ok. But if there's a war going on, how come there isn't any pandemonium going on in Erdas? You would think dragons fighting each other in the sky or on the ground would at least attract a little attention, and the news would spread as fast as wildfire everyone in Erdas knew that dragons still existed." He asked, confused why no one heard or knew about the dragons or the war going on between the dragon tribes.
   "Probably because the tribes are discrete, and fight in abandoned areas to preserve the current secrecy of the tribes, so no one would hunt them or get involved with the war." Riptide suggested.
   "But why would dragons hide from people when they are basically giant, flying, fire breathing killing machines. Sorry that may have been rude, but it is mostly true."
   "I don't know why. I asked my mother, but she doesn't want to talk about it. All she says is that the tribes are hiding because of something horrible that happened about ninety years to the tribes. I don't know what, but I do know that it scared the dragon tribes enough to send them into bonding for ninety years." Riptide said, sounding a little scared of this evil thing that sent the tribes into hiding ninety years ago.
"I don't know what this thing was that sent the tribes into hiding. But I do know I need to go get some help for this." He said to Riptide. He gingerly touched his shoulder and winced, recoiling with pain.
"Ok. But do you mind if I stay a little bit longer with my mother? I want to know more about my her and my father." Riptide asked, expressing his desire to be with his mother and know more about his father.
"Of course you can. Spend as much time as you want with your mother. I owe her since she chased Timote and Piri away."
"Thank you, and if you need help just call. I'm pretty sure my mother will scare the living daylights out of those two demon princes that they won't mess with you ever again."
"Thanks. It's nice to know I got two dragons on my side." He said, and started back to the healers' hut
His mother was probably going to faint after this one.

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