Chapter 29:Return of The Dragon Riders:Ermine

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It was four days after Ermine made it to the ice glacier outside Sermersooq, and he was still waiting for a Rider to come and pick him up.
"Be patient. The Riders will show up when the time is right." Snowdrift told him, interrupting his pacing across the glacier.
"I just wish they hurry up. I'm tired of waiting around waiting for one of my father's men to find us." He told her, thinking back to when they were nearly spotted by one of his father's men snow owl. He and Snowdrift had to scrunch up together against the side of the glacier to avoid being seen.
"You can't rush the Riders. They are a ancient force that are not meant to be trifled with unless you want to see tomorrow. They will come when they come." Snowdrift warned him.
"Fine," he said, stopping his pacing across the glacier, and walked over to the glacier and sat down, his head against the bone chilling glacier.
He closed his eyes and fell into a shallow sleep, since he pretty much had nothing better to do.

A few hours later he faintly heard the sound of thunder booming in the distance. It didn't thunder in Arctica.
He opened his eyes, and stare out at the shining blue sea. He saw a dark shape in the distance appear on the horizon.
"See. I told you only had to wait." Snowdrift told him.
"How long till you think they get here?" He asked.
Snowdrift looked out towards the sea, clearly studying how long it would take the dragon and Rider at the current speed they were going.
"I say about a fifteen to thirty minutes." Snowdrift estimated.
"Ok then," he said, getting up and stretching out his stiff limbs. "I guess we wait," and he went over to get his pack.
He looked back at the horizon and saw the Rider and their dragon had nearly traveled twice the distance they were earlier.
It amazed him that the Rider and dragon were moving so fast. They would surly be here in about ten to fifteen minutes at the speed they were traveling.
"The larger the dragon, the faster and further distances they can travel." Snowdrift explained to him.
He nodded as he watched the flying dragon spect became larger and larger till the dragon looked like the size of a giant.
As the dragon and Rider neared the glacier, freshly fallen snow from last night was thrown up into the air by the dragon's mighty wing flaps.
The wind from the dragon's wings was so strong it felt like he was going to be thrown off the glacier.
   He even saw Snowdrift struggling to stay on the glacier. Her icy blue wings were being tossed around by the wind. She tired in vain to keep her wings from splayed out like a fan, while digging her serrated claws into the ice to keep herself from sliding around on the glacier's slick surface
   The humongous dragon drew closer, and Ermine now saw exactly how big dragons could grow.
   The dragon heading towards him could have been mistaken for a mountain in the distance if it was laying down flat.
   The giant dragon's thunderous wing beats made his bones shudder throughout his whole body.
   Somehow the dragon's thunderous wing beats didn't even wake anyone in Sermersooq. Then again the dragon and Rider were flying as far from the village as they could, which was pretty smart.
The dragon and Rider were now we're almost to the glacier.
The dragon came flying over to the glacier, and landed, the ice slightly cracking under the dragon's heavy claws.
The dragon was a beautiful dark grey with emerald green feathers on its head like a frill and the top of its tail. It's horns and claws were as black and shiny as obsidian.
The dragon laid down and bent its long neck down to where its large head was resting on the ice.
He saw a man around forty climb off the dragon's back where a saddle was nestled between its shoulders.
The man came walking over to him.
He was dressed in a heavy winter cloak and clothes. A sword similarly crafted like his great uncle's hung by his side.
He had dark brown hair that was almost black. His hair hung slightly in his brilliant jade green eyes.
When the Rider was about five feet away from him, he held out a gloved hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Bolin and that's Dizhen, and we'll be escorting you both to Sanctuary." The Rider named Bolin said warmly to them, his smile making him feel comfortable.
"Uh, hi-hi my name is Ermine and this is Snowdrift." He introduced himself and Snowdrift, gesturing to her.
Snowdrift strangely looked a lot like Dizhen, except Dizhen was missing the spikes in his feathered main and tail, the serrated claws, and the coolness radiating off his scales. But Dizhen had one thing Snowdrift didn't: a emerald green stripe running from his eye to the end of the his tail.
"That's because I'm a hybrid." Snowdrift said.
"How do you know?"
"After spending years trapped in an egg with nothing else to do you start to wonder. And I also asked Suka's subconscious and she knew I was a hybrid by my characteristics." Snowdrift explained.
"Huh," it never occurred to him when he first saw Snowdrift and Dizhen side by side.
"Are you two ready to get going?" Bolin asked them.
He nodded.
"Ok then. Ermine, you are going to climb on Dizhen and Snowdrift you can too, unless you want to fly to Sanctuary. But fair warning it's a long way." Bolin said to him and Snowdrift.
"I'll fly till I get to tired and then I'll rest on Dizhen's back." Snowdrift directed her thoughts to all of them.
"Very well Snowdrift," Bolin said.
"You are strong and brave for taking such a risk. But don't let your boldness get the best of you young one, or it will end badly for you." Dizhen's deep voice echoed inside his and Snowdrift's head.
"Thank you, Old One for your wise advice," Snowdrift thanked Dizhen for his advice, which seemed below her pride.
"Well, lets get going before it gets dark. It will be better if we reach Sanctuary before nightfall." Bolin said, walking over to Dizhen.
Ermine and Snowdrift followed.
Bolin helped Ermine climb into Dizhen's broad back, and then Bolin climbed on himself, sitting right behind him.
Bolin helped him fasten his wrists to the leather loops near the handle of the saddle.
"These are to keep the wind from knocking you off," Bolin explained.
Bolin similarly tied larger loops that looked like leather stirrups around his feet.
Then Bolin urged Dizhen to take off.
It felt like Ermine was being heaved up into the air by a mountain. He thought he was going to lose his lunch.
This was pretty much the first time he had rode a dragon before if he didn't count the short flight on Snowdrift to the top of the glacier; Snowdrift was like a hundred times smaller than Dizhen, and when he rode her he didn't feel like he was going to throw up.
Snowdrift followed behind, Dizhen's heavy wing beats buffeting her around, making it harder for her to keep up.
As Dizhen flew on, he felt less sick to his stomach as he got use to the lurching movements from the ocean wind below that caused Dizhen to be shaky as he flew.
He saw the Euran coast in the distance as they flew towards the Amayan coast. They slowly headed up to the clouds for cover so people below didn't see them and flip out at seeing a ten ton dragon flying through Erdas's sky like it was s normal thing.
When they broke through the cloud cover, the air became dangerously thin and as cold as the Arctican air.
"Just take deep breaths and don't panic. There's enough air up here for you to breath. You just need to stay calm." Bolin said to him, assuring him that he wouldn't suffocate.

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