Chapter 36:Shocking Revelations:Ermine

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   After Terra knocked out Toph and he and Moray took her down to the Hospital Wing, he went to go find Kya and get some answers for what happened to Toph.
   He found his older cousin in the Riders' massive, endless looking library.
   Kya was sitting at one of the long tables that ran through the long library hallway, only breaking the line every two or three tables. She had at least a dozen open books and scrolls surrounding her. She was constantly looking at one book or scroll for a moment before jotting something down on a densely crowded scroll full of many notes.
   Her dragon Whiteout laid nearby, lightly sleeping.
   He walked up to her table, observing all of what she was reading and writing about. She appeared to be reading and taking notes on the history and origin of the Dragon Riders; he wasn't even aware that there were two orders of Dragon Riders.
   His cousin was so concentrated on her work that she didn't even notice he was there. He was really counting on her full attention to help him figure out all that happened when Toph became possessed or whatever that was.
   Kya finally noticed him after he waited a good  twelve minutes.
   She looked up at him, her face and light icy blue eyes showing surprise that he been standing there so silently for twelve minutes.
   "Ermine," she said, sounding unconcerned about him watching her work. "What do you need help with?" She asked him politely; she was always willing to help him no matter what.
   She apparently noticed the upset and worried look on his face.
   "Are you okay? You look troubled."
   He told her the whole story about how Toph attacked him and Moray for no reason except for Rumplestiltskin made her do it.
   Kya seemed concern about the mention of Galbatorix.
   "Thai is very concerning that this Rumplestiltskin was able to take control of Toph like that when the magical barrier around the island should stop all spells that try and enter its barriers. And this Rumplestiltskin also mentioned you being a legacy—of Atiqalaaq?"
   "Yes," he responded.
   "I've read about legacies. They are the children and descendants of Riders. Wait, so does this mean you and I are descended from Atiqalaaq?" Kya asked, shock and surprise spreading in her voice and across her face.
   "By all the Great Beasts! I've been trying to find information on him, since he was the last known Arctican Riders before the fall of the Alagaësia Dragon Riders. Now I find out he's our predecessor!" Kya exclaimed like she just couldn't believe their family was descended from such a great legend that rivaled the Great Beasts themselves.
"Hang on. What do you mean you couldn't find any information on Atiqalaaq. I thought the Riders had the largest library in all of Erdas." He asked her.
Things were not starting to add up. Why hide information on specific Riders from young Riders who just might want to know more. Specifically their family ancestry. He had a feeling ever since his grandmother told him that Atiqalaaq was her brother that she was lying. If he wasn't related to his grandmother, but they were his descendants, then that meant...
He looked Kya directly in the eyes, and announced the beginning of his theory. "Kya did grandmother ever tell you that Atiqalaaq was her brother?"
He waited for her response.
"No. But if we are his descendants then someone in the family is lying about something." She was starting to come to the same conclusion he did.
"I think grandmother is lying about Atiqalaaq being her brother. I think she and he were really close as children. So close that she considered him like a brother, and that's what she hid his real identity as our—our grandfather. She did it to protect us from those that wish to use the Riders for evil purposes. Just like Galbatorix. If he knew Atiqalaaq was our grandfather and not out great uncle—to make it seem like we weren't descended from him—then he would be more prone to try and capture us. Rumplestiltskin said legacies are more powerful. I guess that's due to being descended from a Rider."
"Passing on the magic gene and other genes, such as strength, hearing, smell, sight, and other advanced abilities to their children and descendants." Kya finished.
"You actually make sense," she continued. "Now I see why Tristan was trying so hard to capture me and Korren three years ago," she mumbled to herself.
"Who's Tristan and Galbatorix. Cause all I got from Moray and Riptide is that Galbatorix is an insane, psychopath that nearly wiped out the Erdas Riders, and is also the king of Alagaësia."
   "Tristan was a servant of Galbatorix. He was sent to try and capture me, Whiteout, Korren, and Darkstalker, and bring us back to Alagaësia. I don't know why Galbatorix wanted us so badly, but all I can guess is it was for Galbatorix's own selfish, evil, twisted reasons. And Galbatorix is indeed the king of Alagaësia, as well as the Alagaësia Rider that led the fall of the Alagaësia Riders."
   "So Galbatorix is the reason...our grandfather is dead?" Calling Atiqalaaq "grandfather" still didn't feel right to him.
   "Well from what I've read and learned Galbatorix orchestrated and ordered the death of many good Riders that were against him in the war. He and his followers, the Forsworn, once torched an entire village to the ground because the people there were harboring a badly injured Rider and their dragon. In fact from what've read and had visions about Atiqalaaq had been killed by a man named Morzan, who was Galbatorix's first follower. Morzan had a little help from Rumplestiltskin, who had fought Atiqalaaq and IceStorm before they went to fight Morzan and his dragon. The good thing is there are no more Forsworn, they all were killed by unknown reasons or they fought themselves for Galbatorix's attention, resulting in one's or both's deaths."
   "So Atiqalaaq and IceStorm died because they were weak from their fight with Rumplestiltskin, making them an easier target to take down?" He was furious at Rumplestiltskin for lying straight to his face about how his grandfather died.
   He was disgusted by what Kya told him about the long, bloody fights between the Forsworn and the resistance/defenders. Galbatorix was a mass murderer, who cared only about himself and no one else, not even when the Forsworn fought amongst themselves for attention. This diabolical monster was the reason his grandfather was dead. Atiqalaaq would still be here with his grandmother, sons, and grandchildren if that demonic, monster hadn't started a war.
   He was so angry and upset, he wasn't even sure who to be angry at:Galbatorix or Morzan or Rumplestiltskin, or all three.
   He walked out of the library.
   He needed some time to think about all that he had heard and learned today.

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