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Toph's POV
It had been five months since they began their training. According to Bolin they were about halfway through their training.
Her terrakinesis had been going along well. Her ferrokinesis was too. She had changed her chunk of meteorite from Bolin into a metal bracelet to wear so she could use it whenever she needed to.
She and her winglet had learned a lot from Bolin over the past five months.
One time about a month ago she saw a person she didn't know through her seismic sensing. She didn't really dwell on it. If they were really important then the Elders would have told them about this person.
So she went about life, focusing on what was in front of her at the moment.

Ermine's POV
During his time at the Dragon Rider base he had come to know Bolin better and often heard all about his grandfather from Bolin; his cousins were often there as well.
He worked on his crykonesis with Nimue, who had a similar ability, but could control water. He could make ice from thin air and unfreeze it, but he couldn't manipulate water like Nimue. She could control and freeze and unfreeze water. They both practiced with a dragon spirit or Skulblaka Eldunari named Tidal Wave. He was very strict and had high expectations for them. Ermine did his best to make him proud.
He had also seen the boy he saw with his cousins at the library again. He had been returning and checking out some books and scrolls. He had been wondering who this. But every time he got near the boy, he walked away like he didn't even notice Ermine.
He had been wondering who this boy was ever since then.

Moray's POV
Moray was waking down to the library to get a book or scroll for his project in History of Magic when he heard unfamiliar voices.
"How am I suppose to what kind of things Lin and Aisha like to read? Tarren and I don't even like to read. And I especially hate being stuck in that cave for weeks on end. When are we allowed to go outside besides being allowed to come here for things to read." A feminine voice complained, she sounded familiar to him.
"Look I don't know, but it's better than being dead. So just be glad they haven't killed us yet." A boy told the familiar sounding girl.
There was silence after that.
He rounded the corner to see who these people were.
He saw a boy with jet black hair, who was perhaps from Zhong. The other person was a girl with long, curly dark brown hair. Her skin the same tone as his. These kids couldn't be more than seven years old.
The girl, he noticed, carried herself in a certain way. And her attitude was familiar.
The only person he could think of was...
"Kailani?" He called out to the kids.
They both turned around. The boy's pitch black eyes and the girl's fierce brown on him.
The girl indeed was Kailani.
He couldn't believe it. She was here, which meant she had to be a Rider. But how come he haven't seen her before now?
"Moray!" She exclaimed with delight, joy spreading across her face. Her fierce eyes turning to where they radiated pure happiness.
She ran over to him and gave him a bone crushing hug.
He gave her a hug back, but it wasn't bone crushing like hers.
When she saw Riptide she went ecstatic. She gave him a big hug, clearly happy to see him. He had introduced the two of them back at their home island.
Their reunion was short lived by the Zhongese boy.
"Kailani, we really need to get going. They're gong to get mad if we dawdled here to long. They might not let us come back again if we spend too long here." The boy worried.
"Stop worrying, Sam. It will be fine." Kailani assured him.
She never liked being told what to do by anyone, even her parents, the king and queen of the Hundred Isles. He wondered if he should give him a heads up about Kailani not liking to listen. But if he had to guess, he already figured that out.
"Who's this 'they'?" He asked Kailani, curious and concerned at whoever was forcing Kailani to stay in a cave
"No one you need to concern yourself with, Moray." She told him, avoiding the question.
She did that when she didn't want to talk about something. It was best to leave her alone when she did that.
"Come on Kailani. We have to get going," the boy told her, starting to walk in the direction of the library, leaving her to catch up.
"Worry wort." She called they boy. "Well I guess I have to go. See you Moray and Riptide." And with that she ran after the boy.
He was sas his best friend had left—or he had to leave—him once again.
"Come on," Riptide nudged him in the opposite direction of the library. "I knew what will cheer you."
"But what about the project?"
"You can get it later." Riptide told him, continuing to push his forward with his head.
"Are we going to swimming?" He guessed
"Yep. I'll race you." Riptide said, giving him a toothy grin, and ran off.
He charged after him.
He needed to do something to take his mind off Kailani. Swimming always helped.
He hoped he would get to see her some time in the future at Sanctuary, the Dragon Rider base.

P.S Kailani, Tarren, Lin, Aisha, and Sam will be the main POV's for the next book.

Dragon Riders: Legacy(Book 2) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now