Chapter 33:A Fully Formed Winglet:Ermine

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Ermine and Snowdrift left with the blind girl Toph and her dragon Terra. An eerie silence settled between him and the black haired girl with glazed over sea foam green eyes.
The girl's silence reminded him of himself and the pain that he and she had both endured from their parents.
"So who is our new mysterious winglet member?" Toph asked.
"I don't know. I just heard about them last night." He remembered when his cousins told him at dinner last night that they heard Mako come into the castle with an injured young Rider and their dragon; Ermine had been here for three days, the new Rider cane last night, and Toph arrived this morning.
He saw Toph nodd out of the corner of his eye.
Over the past three days he had learned how to navigate the giant castle better and already knew where some of his classes were as well as some of the layout of the castle. He had his cousins to thank for helping him to come to know some of the castle.
He led their group of four down to the first floor where the Hospital Wing was located.
When they got to the Hospital Wing, and where about to enter they were stopped by a woman red-brown hair and blue-green eyes that looked like the color of the sea.
"What are you doing?" The twenty year old woman asked suspiciously.
"Well, um, we are in the same winglet," he said, gesturing to himself, Snowdrift, Toph, and Terra. "And we heard about the new Rider who's suppose to be in our winglet, and we were hoping we would get to meet them." He told the elder Rider, hoping she would agree to let them meet their new winglet member.
The woman studied each of their faces for a few moments as if trying to determine wether they were trustworthy enough to meet their new winglet member.
"It would not be a good idea for him to see anyone while he is still recovering from his injuries." The Elder argued back, clearly not wanting the boy in the Hospital Wing to be disturbed.
"Can we just see how he's doing." He asked hopefully, wanting to meet him.
"He might be asleep right now."
"If he's awake wouldn't it be nice to see two smiling faces." He asked pleasantly, and added his best and brightest smile to hopefully convince the older Rider to let them meet their new comrade.
The Rider looked torn between letting them see their new friend and keeping them away from their new friend in order to let him rest longer and hopefully recover faster.
The Rider looked like she was about to say no when a loud crash from inside the Hospital Wing drew everyone's attention to the closed double doors.
Casting a quick glance their way, the Rider entered the Hospital Wing, leaving the door open on mistake or on purpose; he may never know.
Taking advantage of the left open door, Toph strode into the room with Terra right behind her. Snowdrift a second later. Ermine was the last to enter the room.
The Hospital Wing was huge, large enough for dragons the size of the Elders'. There were ten beds in the room, five on each side of the room. There was only bed being occupied. A boy with tan skin like Nimue's laid in one of the beds. He had close cropped dark brown hair.
The boy was asleep at the moment, his peaceful, sleeping face made Ermine not want to wake him up.
He noticed that the window curtains were pulled shut to make the room darker in the morning light to allow the boy to sleep better than with the bright sun shinning in the boy's eyes.
The Elder had found the source of the noise. A sky blue dragon with gills, webbed claws and spin, and a long thick tail. The dragon had apparently knocked a side table over by the boy's bed. The dragon must have been trying to get closer to its Rider, but knocked the side table over, shattering the bowl of water that had been on the side table.
The dragon tried to look innocent, but its innocent face wasn't very convincing.
The woman gave the smaller dragon a stern look that said: "Why did you do this?"
The dragon looked back at her with its dark blue, almost black eyes; the dragon was about a foot shorter than Snowdrift and Terra, but had a more compact and muscular body than them, making up for its shortness.
"Riptide," the woman chided the evident male dragon. "Why did you do that? You know Moray needs sleep."
A silence settled between Riptide and the Elder that lasted for a few minutes.
"Riptide, you know better than to bother Moray while he's sleeping. If you want—Don't you dare start to speak Aquatic." The Elder said just as Riptide started flashing his bioluminescent scale patterns on his legs, underbelly, back, wing arms, face, and tail; it was pretty cool looking to Ermine as silvery blue light from Riptide's scales danced across the walls.
Turning away from her silent argument with Riptide, the Elder told them, "You better get back to your common room. And if you really want to visit Moray I'll tell you when he's awake and feeling better." She promised them.
"Thank you," Toph said pleasantly, apparently trying to kill the Elder with kindness.
He was a little stunned by what just went on between the Elder and Riptide. He was about to ask what just happened when Toph grabbed his arm and literally dragged him out of the room. He stumbled the whole way as he tried to keep up with her large strides; for a blind person she was fast.
"I'm guessing we are going to do why she said to do?" He asked as soon as Toph let go of his arm.
"Yes. If you want her to trust you completely, then you have to soften her up. Kill her with kindness in other words." Toph explained, which meant she must have had experience dong this one of thing. Her skill at finding ways to get people to trust her made him wary of what else she was capable of.
"Wish I though if that when dealing with my father," he muttered to himself.
"What did you say?" Toph asked him.
"Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself. I do that sometimes. It helps me think."
Toph replied with a "Hmm," and continued walking back up to the common room. Even though she was blind she seemed to have no trouble making her way up the staircase. Maybe that was only because Terra was by her side.

When they got back to the common room they spent the rest of the day figuring out where there classes were at in this ginormous castle.

P.S. Toph and her mother both have sea foam green eyes, which they inherited from Poppy's parents, who were an Euran and a Zhongese. Just a little back ground for why Toph and Poppy have green eyes when most Zhongese have brown eyes. Hope that makes sense.

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