Chapter 11:Deathwatch:Akoni

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   Akoni had gone to get the live trap for land bound animals.
   When he found the trap there was pheasant in it, and he took it back to the house.
   When he got back to the house, he found Lea on the table and Moray staring off in the distance like his mind was a million miles away.
   He grabbed Moray and turned him around, yelling at him if he was ok, and he just looked at him like he was some stranger.
   Lea's crys weren't helping matters, she kept sobbing and talking about monitor lizards and fighting and Moray not listening to her. She was just so upset and afraid that it was stressing her out.
   Then Moray fainted. Akoni had caught him before he hit the floor.
   Lea's cries caught his attention when she pointed at Moray's leg. There was a bite mark on his leg.
   Now he could see why Lea was so upset. They were going to lose Moray like they lost Fallyn if they didn't get help, and fast.
   Picking up Moray in his arms, Akoni exited the house with Lea right behind him.
   They went straight to the healers' hut.
   The healers' hut was a wooden building with a few windows to let in sunlight, but most of the time they were closed to allow patients to sleep.
   They entered the hut.
   The healers' hut was a long building with the majority of it being a place for patients to rest and heal.
   There were about ten cots for patients to rest on.
   Moray twitched in his arms and he looked down at his son's strained face as he fought the venom starting course through his veins.
   "You'll survive this," he whispered to Moray. "Rakin! Where are you? We need you it's an emergency!"
A thirty year old man appeared from another room, looking tired.
"Akoni, Lea What is the meaning of this? Why are—." Rakin's eyes must have fallen on Moray because then he said, "I see. I'm so sorry, I'll do what I can." Rakin said, walking over to Moray, and put a hand on his forehead, and didn't say anything for a few seconds.
Then he said, "He has a slight fever, not a full one yet, but it's getting there. Place him on a cot. Lea go get some water and keep a wet cloth on his forehead and try and slow down his fever and keep his temperature from rising. Akoni follow me." Rakin told them.
When Akoni has set Moray down in the cot, he followed Rakin into the other room he was in earlier.
Rakin went to a shelf and started taking things off the shelf: A syringe, herbs, linen, alcohol, an old rag, a glass bottle, pestle, and mortar.
He then gave the items to Akoni, and said, "Take theses into the other room and wait for me."
Akoni did what he said and took them into the other room.
He saw Lea wringing out a wet towel and then put it on Moray's forehead, trying to keep his temperature from rising.
He put the things down, and went over to Moray's other side, and got down on his knees, and started stroking Moray's hair.
"It's my fault. It should have been me, not Moray. But I was so scared and Moray froze and I froze and I was too late to do anything. I failed Moray like how I failed Fallyn." Lea said with strain in her voice as she blamed herself for what happen to Moray.
Putting a hand on her hand that rested on Moray's sleeping chest, he looked her in the eyes and said, "It's not your fault. I know you would rather die than let Fallyn or Moray die. You were scared for Moray and froze with fear. I promise you Moray will survive this. He's strong and resilient like his mother."
"And he's stubborn and strong like his father." She said him.
Then Moray stirred and slightly opened his eyes.
"Moray," Lea said softly, putting a hand on his cheek. "You need to go back to sleep sweetie, ok. You need rest."
"Hurts..." Moray managed to choke out.
"I know sweetie. It's ok, jut go back to sleep."
Moray looked at his mother and then his father and then reluctantly closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
Lea took the towel off again and wetted it again and wringed it out and put it back on Moray's forehead.
   Then Rakin came in the room, and started feeling Moray's head again.
   "His temperature has risen some."
   Then Rakin took the mortar and pestle and put some herbs in it and some water and stirred it up.
   Then lifting Moray's head up, Rakin put the mortar to his lips and poured it down his throat, putting a hand over Moray's mouth to keep him from spitting the liquid up.
   Putting the mortar and pestle down, he grabbed the alcohol and the rag, and poured a little alcohol on the bite.
   Moray groaned in pain, and his eyes flew open and he tried to get up.
   Akoni put a hand on his chest, holding him down.
   "It's ok Moray. It's ok, just close your eyes. It will all be over soon." Lea crooned to Moray, stroking his hair.
   Moray looked at Lea, not wanting to go back to sleep.
      "I have something that will help. Sorry I didn't give it to you earlier. I thought you were already asleep." Rakin said, and then picked up the glass bottle and put the syringe in it, filling it with liquid. Then he put it in Moray's arm and pushed the plunger in, injecting the liquid into Moray's bloodstream, putting him to sleep.
Pouring more alcohol on the old rag, Rakin pressed it on Moray's wound.
Removing the old rag, he put it on the floor.
Then he started selecting certain herbs and putting them into the mortar and then crushed up the herbs into a green-brown-yellow paste.
Dipping his fingers into the paste, he applied it to Moray's wound.
Then picking up the linen, he wrapped the linen around Moray's bite mark, and then tied it when he got down wrapping it around Moray's leg.
"There all done. Now he just needs rest. I recommend he stays here tonight and tomorrow so I can make sure he's getting better instead of worse." Rakin said, getting up and taking the things Akoni brought with him back into the storage room he was in when they got here.
   When Rakin left, Akoni looked at his son's sleeping face, that was a little bit strained, but other than that his face looked peaceful.
"Do you two plan on staying the night?" Rakin asked, poking his head out from the other room.
Akoni looked at Lea, and then at Rakin, and said, "Yes, if it's ok with you."
"Alright." Rakin said, and then ducked back into the storage room.
Then Rakin came back out with pillows and blankets, and Akoni helped Rakin put two cots together by Moray's cot.
Handing Akoni the blankets and pillows, Rakin said, "If you need anything I'll be in the other room." He pointed to a closed door that led to another part of the hut.
"Thank you so much Rakin." Lea said to him.
"That's what I'm here for." He responded and then went into the room he pointed to a few minutes ago.
Taking a blanket and pillow from his arms, Lea spread the blanket over Moray and put the pillow under his, and kissed him on the forehead.
Then she helped Akoni get the cots ready for bed.
When they were done, they got onto the cots; Lea being the closest to Moray.
The last thing Akoni thought about before slipping off into a deep sleep was: Moray and what would happen to Lea if they lost another child.

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