Chapter 1

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I awoke ,My hair falling into my face, where am I?.

I guess the better question is, Who am I?

There's not much I can remember.

I remember leaving Portland.

Then my mind went Blank.

Are the others here?

Are they safe?

I look down at what I'm wearing, a white dress that came to my thighs, a dark brown jacket on top, black tights, black and brown boots, I'm wearing a belt as well, which isn't unusual but it was large, I could carry tools with me.

I'm wearing a gold necklace with matching earrings, Black gloves and a gold bracelet.

My long coal black hair is braided over my left shoulder, with a small top hat  on top.

I look around me, I have a cane next to me.

I pull the cane over, standing with its help, so I can stand in this place, is it like the grotto?

I look over to my left, someone else is here.

He's tall, clearly adult, late 20s if I could guess, he has shaggy brown hair, he's wearing a white shirt, with a brown vest, he was wearing a red tie, with matching red trousers and black shoes.

"Hey,wake up" I kicked his arm lightly.

"Fuck off" he hit my foot harshly, causing me to go into intense pain, wow, so my walkings back but it hurts.

"Wow, you're rude" the man flipped me off.

"Go back to sleep,Theresa"

"I'm not Theresa"

The man immediately sat up, his eyes widening.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else"

"This Theresa person "

"Yeah, she's my cousin, I kinda just guessed you were her"

" She wakes you up by kicking you?"

"Yeah, she's kind of a Asshole"

"Really, she sounds pretty cool to me "

"So you're an Asshole as well "

"So I've been told"

I leaned forward a bit, holding my hand out to him.

"Do you remember anything" He asked as he took my hand.

"Not really, I'm guessing I need to find out my name huh"

"That would be helpful "

"Do you remember anything, well other than Theresa?"

"No, not really, I guess we should look for some clues to who we are then"

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