Chapter 11

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Trubel' POV ( 2 days later)

I sat in the now considered common area, a lot has happened for the week we've been here, we've found out that there is multiple bed room type rooms that we have all been staying in, well all except Mickey, who has been stuck in the infirmary by the wishes of Perry, Nick and Tibby, all of which have gotten overly protective of the young teenage girl.

I stood up from the couch, deciding that I should probably talk to Mickey, Nick already got on well with her, why shouldn't I try, I don't have anything better to do, everyone else are either in their rooms or trying to figure out what the trials are, apparently we've already overcame one.

I walked down the hall to the infirmary, i knew it was going to be uncomfortable, I haven't really talked to her much, the only time I have talked to her,Nick has been there as well.

I saw her sitting on her bed, sketching something in a leather bound sketch book that Tibby found, she looked peaceful.

She was wearing casual clothing, which was a white jumper and a pair of black leggings, her hair was pulled back in a ponytail so it stayed out of her face.

I knocked on the doorframe, she jumped slightly and looked up to me.

"Hey, sorry to startle you" I said to her, she smiled slightly.

"You didn't startle me, I just didn't expect anyone to still be in the area, do you need anything?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I don't need anything, I just wanted to come talk with you" I told her, she smiled at me.

"Well then, come sit" she told me, I nodded and walked over to the side of her bed, sitting down on one of the chairs by her bed.

"So,how have you been feeling?" I asked her.

"Bored, but then again I've been bedridden for the past 3 days" she said.

"I know how it feels, Nick did the same thing to me" I told her, she smiled.

"You guys are pretty close right" she asked me, I nodded.

"Yeah, he's my older cousin, he saved my life when I first met him, I owe him everything" I said to her, she looked up at me.

"You must really respect him" she said, I nodded.

"He's been through so much shit, he doesn't deserve everything that's happened to him, yet he's still such a great person" I said, I saw Mickey smile.

"He's really caring, I mean he's started looking after both of us and Diana, that's a lot, especially for someone in our situation " Mickey said, I nodded.

"It only gets worse, wait until he's questioning what your dreams are about, or that might just be to me" I said, Mickey laughed.

"Why dose he ask?" Mickey asked.

"Our family has really bad nightmares, I guess he gets worried about me sometimes "I told her, she nodded.

"I get what you mean, Nick said your whole family has some shit that went down centuries ago" Mickey said, I nodded.

"Yup, our ancestors really fucked us up"  I told her, she laughed.

"Same, I mean we have a fucking l debt that we need to pay with every generation, and that debt turns out to be a finger from the newest generation" Mickey said, I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Seriously?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Tibby, Bucket and I don't have it, we're not townies, we all moved to Kollok, Skye and Em do though " she told me.

"Are they born with it?" I asked, she nodded.

"I think so" she said.

I noticed the fact that her sketchbook was laying open on her lap, a sketch of a girl  took over the page.

"You draw?" I asked her, she looked down at the sketchbook.

"Yeah, I took it up as a hobby when I stopped walking " she smiled.

"You stopped walking?" I asked her, she nodded.

"I got into a incident with my ability " she told me.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You know the phrase With great power comes great responsibility, well I clearly didn't take the responsibility to heart, I used my power like 7 times in a row, it effected my legs badly, I couldn't walk until I got my metal legs, I came here and I didn't have them anymore " she said.

I looked at the drawing again, the girl had short hair that was under a beanie, it came to her chin, she was wearing a large fur coat, a jumper, a pair of ripped jeans , a scarf and fur boots,she was holding a torch of sorts in one hand, the other was holding up her hand as if signalling to someone.

"You're a pretty great artist " I said to her, she smiled slightly.

"Thanks" she said.

I heard a soft knock on the door frame, Mickey did as well, we both looked up to see Nick at the doorframe, smirking at us.

"You two talking?" He asked as he walked in, I nodded.

"Yeah " Mickey said.

"How was the hunt?" I asked him, he shrugged his shoulders.

"The same as usual, we don't have anything yet, which is scary" Nick said.

"I can help out tomorrow, I know my ability is the best, but it can hopefully still help" Mickey said, Nick sighed.

"You sure you're up for it?" He asked Mickey, she nodded.

"I want to get out, I want to help, Nick" Mickey said, Nike smiled.

"She's got spunk, I'll give her that any day " I said to him.

"Reminds me of someone " Nick smiled and bumped my shoulder lightly.

We heard another knock on the door frame, i looked up to see Perry at the door, he was holding something and wore a worried look on his face.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have something that Mickey needs to see" he said as he walked in, handing the paper over to Mickey.

I got a quick look, it looked to be a photo of a group of teenagers,most of their faces were scratched out, writing on top.

It was written over the scratched out face of a tall female.

This time it was over a male, he was tall as well.

Another Male, he was shorter than the others.

A girl this time, she looked young.

A teen boy, his face was the worst, the paper where his face should be was almost completely gone.

I looked at the four that weren't blocked out, it scared me.

Skye, Em, Tibby and Mickey stood in the photo, they were the only ones that looked normal.

Ayyyy, new chapter.

Tell me if you want to see different POV's, if so tell me who, I really want to work more with Apollo but I don't know how to go with it.

This whole chapter is basically Nick appreciation, because he needs to be appreciated.

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