Chapter 3

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I squinted my eyes up at the sealing, the bright lights were giving me a headache.

I sat up, looking around, everywhere was covered in light, there was no shadows anywhere, so I can't really Shadow-Travel out.

In front of me sat a guy in a chair, he looked about 15 years old, he looked scared, even with his eyes closed, his eyebrows were furrowed downwards in worry, his lips were in a slight frown, he was clearly scared, worried, or both, he looked sad in a way.

I looked down at myself, I was tied to a chair, much like the boy, except I was awake, he should be waking up soon, unless he's dead, but he doesn't fell dead.

Suddenly the boy's eyes shot open, he stared thrashing around, rope burning his bare arms that weren't covered by his shirt, he looked scared, wide eyed with tears forming in the corners.

"Hey, Calm down " I said, the boy didn't stop.

"Calm the hell down right now" I told him, he looked up at me, suddenly realising that there was another person there.

"S-sorry" he stuttered out, looking down at the floor.

"Are you scared?" I asked him, he looked up before shacking his head.

"N-no, I just don't know where I am, or where any of my friends are" he told me.

"Do you remember any of them?" I asked him, he nodded.

"Y-yeah, this girl Mickey that I'm really good friends with, she's really cool and hot and really protective even when she doesn't admit it" he said, lighting up as he talked about the girl.

"You sure you're just friends?" I asked him, he turned and blushed slightly.

"Y-yeah, she would never like me" he commented.

"Have you tried asking her?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"I can't, she would hate me if I did" he told me.

"You never know, I thought the same about my boyfriend but we've been dating for almost 2 years ( not cannonly)" I told him, he smiled up at me slightly.

"Thanks" he whispered.

"No problem, now let's try to get out of these ropes" I said, he nodded.

Suddenly I felt my ropes loosen, I looked over at the boy, who's ropes had loosened as well.

"I swear to the gods whoever is listening to us, Screw you" I yelled.

"Hey uhh, lets not anger whoever is listening to us" the boy said.

"Screw them, I've fought worse" I yelled again, the boy looked at me confused.

"What else have you fought that's somehow worse than the thing that could end us?" He asked.

"Hellhounds, Harpies, The undead, Anxiety, Homophobia " I stated off.

"Sound hard" he said.

"It has been, you sound really chill about me fighting monsters " I said.

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