Chapter 14

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It watched her walk off, the young girl by her side, the girl would be a problem, but it could deal with her.

Mickey's POV ( this is mainly a memory of what happened when she was asleep for 3 days, the next few chapters will be like that )

Darkness, I looked up at the darkness.

The sky was so pretty, the stars glowed throughout the space.

I heard the person next to me sit upwards, I turned my head to look at Marcus, who smiled sheepishly.

"Did I break you out of your rest?" He asked, I shook my head and sat up, leaning on my elbows.

"You didn't break me out of it, I wasn't really resting anyway, to much shit on my mind" I told him, he looked over at me.

"You mind telling me what you're thinking about?" He asked me, I gave him a small nod and a genuine smile.

"Just.... it feels weird not having my powers any more, or at least not having my ability to jump dimensions, I'm happy I still have my finding and well.... my other ability" I said, looking down at my hands.

"Should..... should we really be doing this?" Marcus asked, I sighed.

"I don't know, the guys don't know I come out here to meet you, it's pretty hard to explain that I'm meeting up with our friend who they believe betrayed them" I said to him, he laughed slightly.

"I know why they would be mad, I think we're kind of betraying their trust, I mean your team adore you and hate me, I don't even know why we're meeting up like this, I mean I get that we're friends and all, but we aren't able to tell each other about the stuff we're doing with our abilities, hell the only things that have changed with you is that Laura and Mallory have started hanging out with you guys, Em's dad is Bi and that you're dating Tibby" he said, smiling at the final statement, it had been one of the first things I had told him when he requested we meet up.

"I don't know much about what's going on with you, mind telling me what's happening in the life of the all powerful Marcus Bennet?" I asked him, he laughed at my dramatic statement.

"Not much, work is boring, I haven't had much contact with anyone outside of the company, I mean, except from you " he said, I smiled softly.

"Is anything else on your mind?" I asked him, he raised an eyebrow at me, smirking.

"What, you trying to get more info out of me, Jones?" He asked, laughing slightly.

"Not at all Bennet, I just want to talk with my best friend, that's all" I smiled at him, I felt myself shiver slightly, god why did I wear a sleeveless top? Especially at night just off the middle of nowhere.

"Are you cold?" Marcus asked, I shook my head.

"I'm not cold, don't worry" I said, Marcus chuckled and took off his jacket, bringing the soft fur coat around my shoulders.

"You're going to catch a cold if you don't come prepared" he told me, I nodded.

"Thanks Marcus" I told him, I brought the jacket tighter around myself, Marcus's sent was always calming to me, he smelled of pine and mint, it was a regular smell, but Marcus's was always special to me, it reminded me of my best friend, how he was kind to me, how he helped me, how he let me live with him, he was always there, helping me out whenever he could or felt he had too, he was always so determined, determined to save Rachel, to help everyone out, to help me out, he's always been like a older brother to me, always helping support me and the rest of the team.

"What you thinking about?" Marcus asked, I looked up at him, bringing my legs to my chest, i felt dew drops from the grass cling to my bare legs, despite us being outside of Kollok and it's perfect weather, I still decided to wear shorts in winter.

"Why can't you come back?" I asked him, Marcus froze, it wasn't one of the questions I had asked him before.

"I want to Kay, you know that, but everything's getting harder and I haven't had time to think" he said, I sighed.

"Everyone misses you, we've all been a mess since you, Skye and Bucket left" I told him.

"I'll be home soon, I've almost got all the info we need to take down the company " he said, I looked down.

"Just, please don't take to long, I miss you Marc" I said, he chuckled at the nickname.

"Marc? That's new" he said, I smiled.

"Yeah well, so is Kay" I said to him, I looked down at the watch on my wrist, 3:30 am.

"We should get going soon, it's almost 4 am" I told him, he nodded and stood up, he held a hand out to help me up as well, I took it and stood.

We walked up the hill side by side, walking to where Marcus's car was parked.

We both got into the car, I let my head fall against the back of the chair.

I'm going to make a One shot of this, the next few chapters will mainly be Mickey, I hope you guys don't mind that.

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