Chapter 17

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3rd person POV
The two elfin Grimm's walked side by side, looking for some kind of hotel or inn or something that wouldn't assume they were a couple.

They heard something come from behind them, a growl.

They both turned around quickly, Nick keeping a protective stance around Trubel.

They watched the animal approach them, it was a wolf with grey-ish blue fur, it snarled at the two, showing it's bloody teeth.

It ran at them, the two were able to jump out of the way of the beast, it turned to look at them, snarling again.

"Grimm's" it snarled, Nick was able to get some distance between it and the younger Grimm, who gripped into his arm.

Nick quickly grabbed at his belt, but instead of finding his usual gun, he found a sword.

He pulled out the sword, glaring at the beast.

"Stay back" he said, making sure his younger cousin was safe.

"You think that flimsy sword will protect you from me wrath?" It said, quickly jumping at them.

It pounced on the younger Grimm, who let out a pained scream as it dug it's claws into her skin.

Nick watched in fear, seeing his younger cousin, no she was more like a younger sister now, blood covered her shirt as she let out another scream.

It pulled out its claws, causing her more pain, she looked for a weapon, luckily finding a dagger.

She quickly brought it up, plunging it into the beasts eye, it growled yet held the female under it.

Nick quickly grabbed his sword, rushing over to the wolf, he stabbed it through the head, it howled and fell to side, Trubel quickly got up, clutching her chest in pain.

Nick quickly rushed over to her, supporting her.

He sat her down on the ground, pulling off his jacket and holding it to her chest, letting it soak up the blood.

"It hurts" she whined, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Hey, hey you'll be ok, I'm here, I'll help you out" he said, tears rolling down his cheeks as he hugged her.

"N-nick, it hurts a lot" she sobbed, he hugged her tighter, terrified of losing her.

"I'm going to get you to a doctor or something, I'll make sure your here with me until the end, I'm going to get us home" he cried, he noticed a bright light come around them, he felt warmth come over his and the younger Grimm's body, he clutched her tighter and hugged her.


I finished this chapter at 420 words, I'm proud of myself.

I'll have the Grimm arc finished next week, then go onto the other two finishing.

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