Chapter 12

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Nick's POV

Everyone sat in the living area, most people were in conversation.

I looked over at Mickey And Trubel, Diana sat on Trubel's lap, the two older girls were in a deep conversation.

"They seem happy" I looked over to Perry, who had directed his speak to the two females.

"They do" I said, giving a small smile.

"I haven't seen Mickey smile in what feels like years" Perry said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Is something up with her?" I asked him, he shook his head slightly.

"It's not my place to say but to put it simply her dad's a horrible person 70% of time and she never had anyone there for her until her friends, she's went through hell and back with them, it's actually surprising that they're getting on so well " Perry said, I looked over at the girls again.

"Trubel didn't exactly have it easy either, she got attacked when she first came to Portland, after than shit went in a giant zigzag from great to terrible, I'm surprised she's dealing well with the situation we have now" I told him, he nodded.

"So they're both murderers? Now I get why they get along" Perry joked, Cracking a small smile.

"Aren't we all, murderers I mean, everyone's done something they've gotta regret doing, I think far to many of them are murder" i said to him.

"Gotta say though, with the power they both hold, I'm surprised everyone here isn't dead" Perry said.

"Power?" I asked him, he nodded.

"She got this deadly ability where she can jump dimensions but it kills her and anyone who goes with her, she can return to that body but it's dead, along with that she can kill anyone she  wishes too, I'm just happy she's in control " Perry said, I looked over at Mickey again, she didn't seem like a killer, but then again neither do Trubel and I.

"She doesn't look dangerous " I told him, he chuckled.

"None of them do, they're normal teenagers, they shouldn't have to go through this" Perry said, I looked over at him again, he smiled softly as he talked about the teens.

"You seem close to them" I said, he nodded.

"I am, saved their ass's a few times and they started calling me dad, don't know how we got from point A to point B but I'm not really mad about it" Perry smiled at me, I laughed.

"So they adopted you as their dad?" I asked him, he nodded.

"I'm just happy I'm here with them, Mickey and Skye probably would have burned down the place trying to get out" Perry said, I laughed to myself.

"I think they could deal with it for a while" I smirked.

I heard something from down one of the halls.

A growl, loud and terrifying, it erupted from the hall.

Guess who's been writing one shots instead of this, this bitch.

I've also been bingeing far to many shows to actually get to work.

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