Chapter 15

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I'm not putting in the monsters monologue, because I'm tired and need sleep, that is all thank you.
3rd person POV
Theresa stood face to face with a creature, it wasn't human, it was......demonic, it couldn't be human hell it didn't even look Wesen, or at least it wasn't one she knew.

"You think that you, a Grimm of all things,can defeat me, you must be joking " it spoke so smoothly, it made her sick.

"What are you?" She asked it.

"I am Harmonia, Demon of law and truth" it said, Theresa eyed it up, it didn't look like much of a fight.

"So then Harmonica, why are you here?" The demon sighed at the wrong name.

"You are in my domain, Grimm" it said, Theresa glared at it.

"Do not call me that" she spoke in a harsh tone, anger making its way into her cold voice.

"Did I offend you, Grimm?" It spoke again, Theresa growled.

"I asked you not to call me that" she said, the demon laughed.

"Does it bring back bad memories? Memories of death and destruction" it asked,Theresa froze.

"How do you know about that,no one knows" she yelled, the demon smiled before waving his hand.

Theresa's surroundings changed, she was..... in a forest.

"What?" She asked softly, confusion making its way into her voice.

"Trubel , there you are" Theresa turned to see a man, Nick except it wasn't, he had elfin ears, markings on his face and wore medieval style clothes.

"Nick?" She asked, he nodded.

"I have no idea what's going on" he admitted.

"I don't either, I talked to this demon guy and then he sent me here" the younger Grimm said.

"What are the chances this is a dream or something?" Nick asked, Theresa shrugged her shoulders.

"Probably a lot, it's weird that we're connected though" the female said, Nick thought for a second.

"A Grimm thing?" Nick suggested.

"We've never had this kind of thing before" Theresa said.

"Then maybe it's not a dream" Nick said.

"So we're in some fantasy world where you're a fucking elf" Trubel asked, Nick laughed.

"I'm not the only elf" he said, flicking the girls pointed ears, Trubel furrowed her eyebrows, glaring at the older Grimm.

"Don't make fun of me" she said, Nick laughed.

"Let's go find a town or something so we know where we are" Nick said, Trubel nodded.

"Let's go "

The fantasy aspect came from my Grimm D&D campaign, I've used the characters normal names instead of the fantasy names.

The next chapter is going to be Nicks POV.

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