Small break

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Hey guys, I'm going to take a 2 week break from uploading this.

I had an chapter ready but then I started hating what I had.

I'm still going to be working on my other stuff.

I have an idea of where I'm going to go with this, I'll probably start getting straight to the point with a lot of the story, I'm planning on having about 25-35 chapters in this besides the author notes.

A lot of my writing feels the same to me and I don't know if that's because of my writing style or because I'm in a constant loop of writers block.

I have a new book out that gets updated 2 times a week, it's called Circus of minds, Radar will also be updated every Saturday until said otherwise, New life is up every Monday.

I'll start getting chapters up on this is 2 weeks unless i say different.

Sorry guys.

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