Chapter 5

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Will's POV

I saw the light dim, my head hurt a bit.

I looked over next to me, I saw Theresa, or Trubel next to me, she looked to be gaining her stance as well.

"Hey, you alright " I asked, Theresa nodded.

I looked ahead of us, it was a forest, I let my light glow to guide us.

"Lets go, human nightlight " Theresa said, I smiled and walked into the forest, Theresa walked behind me, keeping her hand on my shoulder to make sure that we're not going to lose each other.

We navigated through the forests, it was dark but my light let us see.

" do you know where we're going or are we just guessing?" Theresa asked.

"Just guessing, if we're lucky we can get out of here " I said, she laughed into her hand that wasn't on my shoulder.

"Let's hope so, if we're lucky we might even find some other people" Theresa said, I smiled.

"I hope we can do that, I think everyone could use some others to lighten the mood" I said, she nodded.

"Do you remember anything from before you were taken?" I asked Trubel, she nodded her head.

"Yeah, mainly memories of Nick, we're really close, we've been through a lot together" she said.

"You guys seem really close, your cousins right?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Yeah, I'm also his certified babysitter for his son" She smiled.

"He's got a son?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he's a absolute angel called Kelly " she told me.

"You must really love this kid" I told her, she nodded.

"Yeah, him and Nick are the only actual family I have left" she told me.

"It must be nice to have a small family, my dads basically a man-whore I have a lot of Half siblings " I told her.

"Do you know any of them?" Theresa asked.

"Yeah, I live with most of them actually, there's still some we haven't met yet" I told her.

"It's nice your so close with your siblings" she told me.

"I guess, our dad isn't that bad either, he just isn't always here" I told her.

"How many siblings do you have?" She asked.

"17, wait no maybe 20, 22" I said, she laughed.

"That many? Wow" she said.

"Yeah, But then again I think that's why I love them, I mean we all look alike and act alike but we're all different" I said.

"I guess that's the same with my family, it's probably why Nick and I clash so much" Theresa told me.

We came across a clearing, two girl laid on the grass, the were both awake and talking quietly.

One of the girls, the older by looks, had dark brown hair with white roses in a flower crown, she had crystal blue eyes, she was wearing a long gold dress with white roses at the bottom, she was wearing gold flats with white lace, she had a white ribbon chocker and white lace bracelets.

The other, the younger, had black hair that was in a high ponytail, chocolate brown eyes, she was wearing a silver vest top with black leggings and silver stilettos (A/N: So ummm, Em's a stripper now apparently ) She wore a silver necklace with multiple numbers on it, and had different numbers tattooed on her arms and neck.

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