Chapter 18

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3rd person POV
The light died down, the two Grimm's sat next to each other, the blood  from Trubel's shirt was completely gone, her wounds were still there but completely healed.

Nick quickly brought the young female into a hug, he felt tears fall into his shoulder from the younger.

"Hey, hey I'm here, we're fine, we're safe, the others are safe, everything is alright" he whispered, brushing his hand through her matted short hair, he could feel his own tears running down his face.

The younger Grimm grab onto the older, clinging onto his shirt as he hugged her back, playing with her short hair.

"I'm here sweetheart, don't worry " he said softly, Trubel smiled a little.

Nick finally looked up to see where they were, they were in the loft, except it looked empty.

"We're.... home?" Truble asked sceptically, taking in her surroundings.

"It's so empty " Nick said softly.

"It feels strange, did something happen?" The female Grimm asked softly, noticing that the crib located next to the spare bed was missing, as was the spare bed.

They heard the loft door open, they both looked up to see 3 familiar faces.

Monroe looked over at the two Grimm's, a soft smile on his face at seeing both of his friends safe and sound.

Rosalee walked into the loft, Diana wasn't far behind.

"Do you think the others are still there?" Monroe asked, Trubel shrugged her shoulders.

"Not sure" she said softly.

"I want to look up Kollok, see if theirs any way to get there" Nick said.

"I'll come with you" Trubel said, Nick stood, helping the younger up.

I'm considering finishing this in the next few chapters, I didn't really use the Percy Jackson characters in this so imagine they got out before the Grimm group.

I'm going to make a sequel to this, maybe the cast meeting in the real world instead of the world they were in before.

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