Chapter 2

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I awoke in a unknown room.

Next to me was a girl, no older than 22, her head was bleeding, she had clearly been knocked out by blunt force.

I put my hand on her head, for once I didn't feel the usual feeling I get when I use my healing abilities.

"It's to dark to see what I'm doing " I said, letting off a light glow from my body, at least my light still works, now I can be a human nightlight.

I placed my hand back on top of the girls head, begging my healing to work, but of course the odds aren't on my side.

I let out a loud sigh as I brought my hand back to my side, now coated in both dry and wet blood.

"God damit, this should be working " I said out loud.

The girl let out a loud, pained moan as she opened one of her eyes.

"What the fuck" she said, sitting up quickly before wincing.

"Hey, don't move so quickly, you might have a concussion" I said, lighting grabbing onto her arm.

"Who are you?" She asked, eyes widening as she moved away from my hand.

"My names Will solace, do you know yours?" I asked her.

"Theresa Rubel, why am I here?" She asked.

"I'm not completely sure, I don't even know why I'm here " I admitted.

"So we both can't remember anything " she asked.

"Yeah, and I understand why you can't, you've got a terrible head injury " I said to her.

"So that's why my head hurts like hell" she joked.

"Yeah, probably, I don't have any of my medical equipment with me so I can't exactly be any help" I told her.

"That's fine, I'm terrified of doctors anyway " she replied, laughing awkwardly.

"Really, why's that?" I asked her, at least we're getting closer.

"I had a really horrible incident in the hospital a few years back, some doctors drugged me really badly, my cousin and coworker had to come save me, it was really fucking weird time " Theresa said.

"Sounds weird, do you know why they did it? The doctors I mean" I asked, Theresa nodded.

"Something about my ancestors, it's really complicated " she said.

"I get what you mean, my dads pretty messed up" I said, chuckling slightly.

"Is he the reason you're glowing?" She asked, shit, I forgot about that.

"It'... uh, a trick  of the light" Theresa glared at me before shaking her head.

"I'm not an idiot Will, are you a type of Wesen?" She asked, I was confused, what was a Wesen?.

"No, what the hells a Wesen, is it a type of monster?" I asked.

"Kinda of, it's hard to explain, but my cousin and I can see them even when others can't" Theresa explained.

"So like a hellhound or a harpie?" I asked, Theresa shook her head.

"They're human, but have animal like characteristics when they do this thing called a woge which normally humans can't see but some can like my cousin and I" She explained.

"So I guess we're both strange huh" I said, Theresa smiled slightly, I nodded and grinned.

"Want to see if we can get out of this place? I think there should be an exit somewhere" Theresa said.

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