Chapter One

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I woke up to the motel alarm going off. That's weird. I don't remember setting it. I rolled over and looked at my phone. I definitely don't remember setting it for 5:00am. I laid there for a few minuets and then got out of bed to take a shower. Once I was done and I got dressed in my dress pants, dress shirt, dress shoes, and my fake FBI badge. I was working a case, and I was pretty sure it was vampires doing the killing, but I still wanted to check the bodies at the morgue.

I left the motel room locking it behind me and walked over to my black 1994 Ford Mustang. I got in and drove to the morgue. When I got there I noticed a black 1967 Chevy impala parked in the spot in front of me. I wonder who would drive this here. Yet again I'm driving my mustang so I can't say anything. I walked into the hospital and followed the signs to go to the morgue. I walked in and walked up to the secretary sitting at the desk.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes, you can. I want to take a look at the bodies from the recent killings." I replied, showing him my fake badge.

"Does the FBI really need three people to work this case. Two of your partners just came in here a few minutes ago and left."
I thought that was weird. I normally don't run into other agents. Although considering how many cases I worked I was surprised it didn't happen more often.

"I'm from a different county. My boss sent me here to check out the case because they need help."

"Okay. Just follow me." He said getting up from his seat. He lead me to a door that said 'Morgue' and he opened it.

"Doctor Anderson. There's another agent here to look at the bodies." And with that he left.

"Hi doctor I'm agent Armstrong."

"Well hello there Agent." He paused to clean his glasses. "The bodies are over here." He gestured to the tables. "They seem to have been drained of blood. We can see no open wounds although there are two scars on his neck that look to be healed puncture wounds. The only question I have is how the hell they healed so fast."

"Thank you doctor for letting me look."

"No problem. If you need anything just give me a holler."

I looked at the rest of the bodies and didn't find anything different. I did notice that all of the victims were the same age (22) and lived in the same town.

I left the morgue and went back to my car and drove back to the motel. When I pulled up I couldn't help but notice the black Chevy impala I saw at the hospital parked in the motel parking lot. I watched as the two men got out of their car and went back to get something out of the trunk. That's when I decided to get out. They looked over to me and I accidentally made eye contact.

"That your car?" The one with the spiky hair asked.

"Yeah. It's a 1994 Ford Mustang."

"It looks awesome!" He exclaimed.

"Is this a 67 impala."

"I like you." He said and I giggled. "And yes it is."

"What are you two doing here at a place like this?" I asked. Genuinely curious.

"FBI. We are investigating the recent string of murders."

"That's funny. So am I." I said pulling out my badge.

They did the same.

What if they are real FBI. I can't outright tell them I'm not actually an agent. I'm just a hunter. This is going to be interesting.

"Well I'm agent Briggs and this is Agent John." The taller one said.

"I'm agent Armstrong." I said using my alias.

I remembered that I had my anti possession bracelet on so I made a point to roll up my sleeves so they could see it.

"You're not FBI." The tall one pointed out. FBI agents don't go around wearing anti possession symbols."

"You guys are hunters to?" I asked relieved.

"Yeah." The shorter one answered.

"Thank god. I really don't feel like getting caught up with the police again."

"Again?" The tall one asked.

I sat on the couch in their motel room. I've learned that the tall one is Sam and the short one is Dean. I couldn't help but stare at Dean. There was something in his eyes that intrigued me.

"Why do your guys names sound so familiar?"

"Maybe because we stopped the apocalypse." Sam said.

"Wait. Your Sam and Dean Winchester?"

"So, you've heard of us." Dean said.

"Yeah. Anyway. Do you guys have any idea what we are hunting here. I'm pretty sure it's a vamp nest but with the whole thing that their winds are already healed is making me unsure."

"I'm yeah actually." Dean said. "We think that it's a djinn cleaning up the vamps mess."

"Yeah we think that the vampire drank the humans blood and left them alive and the djinn are finding them and killing them." Sam continued.

"But why would the djinn care if the vamp let the human live."

"We don't know. All we know is that we should probably wipe out the nest and kill the djinn soon."

I sat there taking in all the information when I heard a sound that sounded like wings flapping. I turned toward the sound.

"Castiel?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Allison." He said walking towards me.

"Sorry for what?" I asked but before he answered he touched my forehead and I fell to the floor in a deep sleep.

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