"I Just Don't Trust Guys Anymore" (Part 2)

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I rushed through the crowd, bumping into person after person, desperately trying to find an escape. Humiliation showed through my now scarlet red cheeks, I wanted nothing more than to go home and change. Fuming, I looked down at my previously stain free white dress, it was a complete mess.

My stomach dropped, “Shit!” I’d taken off with his hoodie. Well, too late to turn around and head back.

“Tell me again about how you were a complete idiot and ran away from an incredibly cute guy?” My best friends tone was dipping towards annoyance. “Ever since you and Tim broke up you’ve practically shunned all boys from your life.”

A saddened glaze passed through my eyes (*SONG IN SIDEBAR*). Tim and I were high school sweethearts; we’d met in the first grade, only to become best friend’s weeks later. When we hit about eighth grade we did the whole ‘I think I like my best friend but don’t want to ruin anything’ façade. Then, finally during the following year we became official, much to my joy. After two years of being together and what felt like a lifelong friendship; I truly thought he was the one. But, then the changes began to occur. He suddenly felt distant and unavailable, though only to me. It seemed like he always had an excuse for everything. This drew on for months, until finally he confessed in a pathetic text message that he no longer had feelings for me and wanted us to see other people. I felt cheated and played.

“I just don’t trust guys anymore.”

Sophia hugged me tightly, squeezing at my ribcage. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come tonight?”

I smiled at her persistence, “For the last time, no, I’ll be fine. Besides, it will be good to meet some new people.”

Instantly, I knew what was coming. “Oh yeah, meeting new people, or maybe just Elena meeting up again with a particular tall, dark and handsome teen?”

“Just go,” I playfully pushed my best friend out the front door.

Turning to wave back she shouted what sounded like “You better talk to him, or else I call dibs!”

I hated working out what to wear, hence why I usually took so long to get ready. My room looked like a complete dump, I’d tipped out the entire contents of my draws in an effort to find something decent for the party. It was official; by the way things were going I’d be turning up naked.

“This is useless!” I picked up my phone to text Sophia for advice. Panicking when I saw the time I reluctantly chucked on what came to mind first; one of my many band shirts and some skinny jeans. After all, it was a music party.

The breeze hit me like a brick wall; it was cold for a summer night. Rushing inside, I quickly reached for the first jacket on the coat rack and slid it over my arms. It was ‘Julians’.

Julian De Vizio - The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now