"There's One Spot Left" (Part 13)

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“What the fuck?”

Julian could sing, and I mean REALLY sing. His voice was hypnotic and left me with a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. He was beyond perfection up on that stage. I was so proud. But why didn’t he tell me? I absolutely loved music, and although I couldn’t sing very well, I certainly appreciated it. Music played an important role in my life, it was comforting, like an old friend. Through insane highs, or dramatic lows, there was always something out there that completely explained how I was feeling. More importantly, it was a way to connect with people, and share treasured memories. Like our first kiss. I allowed a smile; surely it was no coincidence that, on national television, his audition song was ‘With You’.

Everywhere I went Julian’s face followed; magazines, newspapers, television adds, you name it. I’ll admit I was happy for him; he seemed to have it all. But everything was overwhelming and simply reminded me of the terrible terms we ended on.


Suddenly things began to piece together in my mind. As Julian had said, everything would make perfect sense in time. My stomach dropped as it all clicked. Holy mother fucker, I was definitely the world’s biggest idiot! Julian didn’t have a secret lover, he wasn’t pushing me away, and he wasn’t second guessing us either. He was genuinely busy, with ‘The X Factor’. But, of course I had to play the untrusting girlfriend, and as a result push away the most important person in my life. Tears streamed down my face as I panicked to breathe. How could I be so pathetic? After months of filling my head with what if’s, I’d realised how right I actually was. Every day I’d wake up and ask myself; what if it all was merely a silly misunderstanding? If only I’d listened to my heart.


I’d realised too late. He was gone, and as of now, I had every other girl in Australia to compete with.


I guess I was happy, I mean, this was everything I’d wanted. Because of ‘The X Factor’ I had a chance to have my dream career in music. It was utterly surreal; the opportunities, the experience, and the fame. But, something was missing. Elena. Everyday her last words lingered in my mind, I’d hurt her beyond repair, and I hated myself for it. I knew that nothing could begin to make up for how I’d treated her. But, my audition had aired on television, and deep down I was hoping that she’d got my hidden message. I would always love her, and when she was ready, I’d be waiting here with open arms.


‘The X Factor’ became my secret pleasure. I could justify it by saying that I enjoyed music, but honestly it was purely because I missed him. We hadn’t talked in a month or so, and I wasn’t even sure if he still had the same number. I had no way to contact him, leaving my pain to linger. So I guess by watching him on my television it tricked my brain into a happy state of mind.

The cut for the final 24 was approaching, and I was on the edge of my seat. Julian had made it through to super boot camp; all he needed was a yes. I paced back and forth in my room as they slowly read the names from their list. Surely the judges would be crazy to let a talent as tremendous as his go!

“…The first person that we’ll be taking with us to our home visits is… Carmelo Munzone...”

“…The second under 25 boy is… Matt Gresham…”

“…The next person we’re taking through is… Jason Owen...”

“…The next person going through to home visit is… Matt Cenere...”

“…Adil Memon…”

The boys anxiously shuffled on their feet.

“…There’s so much talent in front of me, and I know how much you guys want it. There’s some returnees here too, but as you know, there’s one spot left, and the person that’s filling that last spot is… Josh Brooks.”

My heart sank as they flashed to Julian’s face.

“…Guys, that’s all the spots.”

His journey was over, and he was heartbroken.

Julian De Vizio - The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now