"Hello 2012!" (Part 3)

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Walking through the gates towards the New Year’s Eve music party my jaw dropped. There was almost double the amount of people compared to this morning. Music fans of all ages and genres squeezed past me, their energy radiating in the dimming sky. A smile spread across my face from ear to ear, I was among people with the exact same passion as me; music. Drums, guitar, keys, and vocals carried through the air, tempting me. But I was looking for something else… someone else. I couldn’t exactly put a finger on the reason why; perhaps it was just the expectation that next year would be a good year, or that I wanted a change. Whatever it was, Sophia was right, ever since Tim broke my heart I’d been hiding from boys, and love. Tim had moved on weeks after the split – mind you, I suspect he’d actually moved on weeks before – so why couldn’t I? Stepping forwards I took a deep breath and began my search. Immediately I was overwhelmed with the density of the crowd, how the hell would I find this mystery guy in the ever-growing crowd?

In one hour I’d walked the entire extent of the festival area three times over, and each time came up empty handed. Perfect, a seemingly nice guy takes time to talk to me, and give his own clothing to a stranger, yet I find it necessary to escape from him. Clearly that had been my one chance to go into 2012 with a bang, and I had screwed it. Sighing I took a seat under a sea of fairy lights, pulling his hoodie closer to my chilled skin. His scent still lingered on it – strong, sweet and completely unique – reflecting his personality from the few minutes I’d spent with him.

Air escaped through my lips in the form of mist, “where are you?”

Tired, hungry and annoyed, I admitted defeat and decided to get some food.

The smell of the food stalls instantly made my mouth water, and my stomach was grumbling by the time I purchased my hotdog and coke. I paced towards the nearest stage, which was occupied by a middle aged man singing well-known covers. Settling into the grass I began devouring my food and was completely engulfed by the music.

“Alright guys, so I’ve just been notified that there is 5 minutes until 12:00!” Cheers swarmed through the star-lit sky, and the atmosphere was blissful. “Gather up your loved ones; celebrate your treasured memories from 2011, and the beginning of some new ones. This is for all the couples!” As lovers held hands, whispered ‘I love you’, and locked lips, tears welled in my eyes.

“This is my take on Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream” (*SONG IN SIDEBAR*)

My reminiscence of my relationship with Tim was broken by a loud buzzing; here come the NYE texts. I pulled out my phone to check who was actually thinking about me tonight–

-No new messages-

That’s funny? I could have sworn that my phone vibrated. ‘BUZZ’ – there it was again.

“…No way!” Reaching towards the hoodie’s pocket I slowly slid my hand inside. My hand gripped a phone. Holy shit, I had Julians phone. My hand was shaking as I removed it from the pocket. ‘BUZZ’

-It’s Julian, sorry for spamming, but I seemed to have left my phone in the hoodie I gave you earlier today, oops. Looks like we’ll have to meet up? I’m at the music festival counting down to midnight. Please come. X

“…hello 2012!”

Julian De Vizio - The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now